Monthly Open Source Design call

Super super cool call this month! We talked about the jobs board and how to use the OpenCollective funds including funding travel to attend OSD events like FOSDEM and FOSS Backstage. Speaking of events, there are several in the next few months! There’s the Creative Freedom Summit which just closed their talk application, but the CfP is still open for the OSD devroom at FOSDEM, and for the design sub event at FOSS Backstage, so get your talks in and spread the word! Mars shared her amazing NumPy contribution comics and Tony shared his super cool work on making Jupyter notebooks accessible for people with disabilities with the Notebooks For All project! Thanks for joining everybody, and if you couldn’t make it this time, there’s always next month! :slight_smile:

Detailed notes with more links:

Monthly Open Source Design Call

6th December 2023: Juhan, Jan, Scott, Tony, Nimisha, Federico, Mars



Hey Mars - can I print some of these to add to the FOSDEM stand in 2024? - can you send over some other links for zines and I can others :smiley:


I know I just joined, but I’m up for trying to host an IST call if somebody can prep me a little! I’m based in Hong Kong, so I’ll probably never be able to make the CET call (even though I really want to).

No worries if I’m too junior for this; just want to be able to participate and happy to offer some consistent commitment if it helps make it happen!

Hi hi, I can totally prep you but honestly, there’s no set way to run a community call, there’s some best practice and standard stuff we do and some of those tools (like using our nextcloud instance for example) wouldn’t be allowed until (approx) 1+ year of volunteering/involvement with OSD as a group. That being said you can totally take meeting notes here in a discourse forum post or in a notepad etc.

Notes are also not compulsory but gives other an idea of what’s been discussed and is good governance practice :smiley:

if you’d like to take on the IST/eastern globe friendly meeting time I’m in support of that :smiley:

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Okay cool! Since this month’s call date has nearly passed I think (?), and I’ve got a baby👶🏽arriving beginning of Feb (woo), maybe I can hang around here and get oriented for the next month-ish, and then try for my first OSD-East call hosting first week of March? That okay for a tentative plan?

(Happy to just try one right now if we’ve got enough people ready to go! I’ve got a whole month until baby chaos begins.)

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Sounds good to me - DM me if you wanna organise a 121 chat and I can cover a couple of things and get you up to speed if thats what you’d prefer :slight_smile:

Congrats on small human!

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Notes from the community call 3rd of January 2024

  • We said hello (we’d all met each other previously!)
  • We chatted a bit about FOSDEM prep, FOSS Backstage prep and also teaching in academic settings different types of ‘creative’ students
  • Juhan then intro’d a new OSS project he is working on with his team at goinvo which is about how to plan projects better across staff GitHub - goinvo/staffplan_redux

We spoke about some our own exp’s with how to plan for different projects as an org that takes on work/clients but also as internal orgs that have many projects and the challenges of design ‘estimation’ and timings. One aim being to better understand how projects are going (are they on schedule, do they need more resource etc.) and empower staff to know how well a project is going as they do it and knowing what is coming up next and how to choose what could come up next.

Was a great conversation! The goinvo team have a call set up to discuss and aim to create an open source tool to use for this kind of project planning!

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So is this meeting still happening? I tried to call in last Wednesday but couldn’t find the VC link to the meeting. Is there a better location to find the meeting details?

Hi Scott,

at the top of this page you find some helpful links, but I guess, you checked them already.
The VC URL is Jitsi Meet.
Last Wednesday was the last day of the FOSS Backstage conference, so many of us might still have been on their way home.
I attended last time on Feb 7, and it was just @juhan and me there. After around 10 minutes of small talk we decided to end that meeting. However, I think it would be good to bring back some life again to these meetings.


Agreed Sven - I’m happy to personally commit to returning to the calls and helping to make sure notes etc. are captured.

This past meeting was a little hard after FOSS Backstage Design for me to join.

jut to note, the community call doesn’t ‘require’ a core team member to attend - anyone can jump on the call, and chat like Juhan and Sven did :))))

but yes you can also find the details Open Source Design monthly call - Open Source Design

Gentle reminder we have our monthly community call on
2024-04-03T17:00:00Z2024-04-03T18:00:00Z in the online jitsi room


Monthly Community Call

April 3rd 2024

Eriol did the Open Source Design core team intro to core team!

There were 9 people in today’s call! We did intros of people and what the community call is! (Not noted for privacy reasons)



  • info/intro - Wants to post a request for support on website re. Job
  • Verso web browser - presenting at the web conf (was called the www conf 30 years strong conf) filed 12 grants for this project - long term projects, comms and educational aspects, branding, logos, corp identities etc.
  • Non profit to give back to communities
  • this project: GitHub - european-browser/verso: A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
    not this project:
  • Suggestion: NGI grants from NL Net
  • Discussion: Is the OSD community open to support?
    • Open Source Design mostly do community organisation
    • Support is welcome! Open Collective + just post something on the forum and get opinions
  • Rethinking how we interact with a browser form the ground up?

Portugal Open Source Design community

  • Events! World Internet Day (17 May)
  • Free Software Fest (11-12 Oct), Aveiro Uni, a gathering of Portuguese communities
  • in contact Elizabet Oliveira

Starting a forum topic to collect around the browser topic long term

Some comments around the browser engine vs ‘what on top’ of that engine on a user level.

Core contributors to servo so a lot of engine work has been done - work now on privacy compliance and security user features

What support does Open Source Design as a community want/need?

Conversation in the Jitsi chat re. re:Aza, yeah, I remember stuff from the 2010s, some actually integrated in Firefox for a while

Conversation/comments about history of browser

Comments about browsing the web vs the browser itself and other tools like Zotero - A browser is a commodity - need plugins!

Browser plugins conversation

Arc browser has been tried out, uses different patterns than ‘typical’ browsers

  • As a designer I like to talk things through, how to approach discussion in a text dominant world of OSS?
  • 1000 cuts, keep your sense of humor
  • Create issue before proposing changes, show before and after and look at things objectively.
  • Bringing more designers in to be
  • Eriol has been cleaning up the jobs board and noticed a number of older job posts and trying to get energy into them via bumping them up the forum list

  • More Conversations in the forum

  • Call for participation for Penpot Fest is out :smiley: Maybe interesting for some folks here!

  • 17th May - world internet day - UNESCO and UN - small presentation being done about the uses of the internet

  • October free internet festival


Jan D mentioned tool for UI sketching:

Verso browser

Eileen’s talk “Designing for Security”: "Designing for Security" by Eileen Wagner @ Think About! 2019 on Vimeo

Onboarding designers:

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Reminder that our community call is later today at 2024-05-01T18:00:00Z2024-05-01T19:00:00Z

The minutes are in the pipeline and currently reviewed before posting.

@Geraldo from Portugal: I would like to send you my draft for review, too. However, I could not find your name in the forum here. Would you mind sending me a short message, so I could include you as well?

Have you all a good day!

Minutes from the design community call at May 1, 2024:

  1. @jdittrich will speak at the UXCamp in Berlin (May 18-19, 2024), see
  2. @SvenPu reported from a webinar of the German UPA about using AI in UX work. We discussed the effects of AI for the future of UX work. AI can be viewed in the context of “democratizing UX work”, whereas the promise of “democratizing work” has often led to deskilling work. Generative AI can output only what it has learned before and also hallucinates. Therefore, it’s our job as UX people not just to blindly use it, but also to train it and assure its quality. @jdittrich shared a link to Audapolis, an AI-based editor for spoken-word media with transcription (GitHub page). It is open source software and privacy-friendly.


in the last meetings, I realised the wish for more structure and an agenda.
Therefore, for the next meeting tomorrow at an IST friendly time, I prepared the following draft.
I personally am unable to take part in the meeting due to conflicting appointments. However, you can take this for guidance.
All times are estimations with the goal to sum up to 60 minutes plus chit-chat.

  1. New topics for today’s agenda (5 min.)

  2. Come in, say hello: Who is here, some background information about ourselves (country/culture, profession, open source involvement - in what role?), wishes for this meeting and for our community (15 min)

  3. How we are doing: (30 min.)

  • Things we are working on
  • Positive things: successes (big or small), role models
  • Problems we are struggling with, what help we need, ideas for solutions, collaboration
  1. About this meeting: What went well for this meeting? What could we improve for the next meeting? What goes into the minutes and what doesn’t? (10 min.)

  2. Chit-chat - open end

Who will be there? Who will be the host (@juhan?) ?

Feel free to make improvements.

It would also be fine if someone could write down some minutes, so other community members get informed.


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the IST (India) friendly time was created by me a couple of years ago when I realised a good number of folks based in East Asia were staying up really late for the CEST call time.

I know @MikeMorrison was interested in hosting that call (but is also busy with life right now) but I’d be happy to pick it back up again too from June onwards!

also thank you for the agenda draft :smiley: super helpful and we have had agenda templates over the years. This is a great new template - maybe we could add it to the event page for the monthly meeting?!

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After @Erioldoesdesign I have not read about this meeting last Wednesday. So I assume, it did not take place, did it?

Also thank you, @Erioldoesdesign for your kind words about the agenda! :smiley:

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I did not host it so I expect it didn’t happen :frowning: I can be sure to host the one for June though!

Thank you, Eriol.
Let’s speak about this topic in our next meeting.