Hi all!
Following up with the wonderful discussion the August OSD call, I’m creating this thread to collate that discussion and how we can create comics for open source projects.
My Background and Comics
Hi, I’m Mars! I’m a Technical Illustrator at Quansight. Earlier this year, I made and distributed comics at SciPy 2022! (a conference about “Scientific Python”: the programming language Python, specifically open source projects in science, math and research)
Here’s a link to a digital, flip-able version of the comic!
We distributed 300 print copies to 500 in-person conference attendees and a digital version as well!
Here’s a 3 minute slide deck of my experience!
- Tabled and handed out the comics for 3 days
- Gave a 5 minute Lightning Talk focused on the power of design, story and comics. That these technical problems always have a human core
- Joined the conference sprint: Add alt text to Scientific Python projects!
As you can see, I love comics!
Why Comics?
If you’re in the OSD forum, I think you’re already sold on comics. But if you’re not, here’s some reasons:
- ‘A picture’s worth a thousand words’. If you ever doodled a flowchart while explaining a concept, then you intuitively knew that
- Easy to read and pick up, introducing people to new concepts without needing to read a full page of documentation
How others could replicate my work: Open Sourcing and Funding It!
One key discussion from the OSD call was how we could get more people to make comics about open source!
While I love the work I did, I recognize its privileges’ and limitations:
- I made the comic while having a salaried position in a company. Thus I was compensated for my time.
- These comics took over 100 hours of work (12 pages x 5 hours each page from sketch to final render, brainstorming, pitching, script-writing, editing, meetings with team, printing, etc)
- The prototype took 10 hours and I did it myself, off work hours
- My team were fellow employees, who were also compensated
- My conference ticket, lodging and printing were compensated by my employer
Thus, if we want more people making comics in open-source, we need to:
- share the knowledge
- equip non-designers with design skills to make their own comics
- equip designers with supportive communities and non-design skills such as pitching and budgeting
- show the value of small-scale: that a small doodle is just as powerful as a printed 12 page comic
- fund and support design
In some spaces, this is about reducing the ‘bus factor’. Thankfully, I’m not the only one making ‘tech comics’! Here are some people who do as well:
The key question for me is, how can we get more people involved? ‘Comics about open source’ is still pretty niche.
Creating a Central Resource?
I would like to create a central resource that shows people how to make comics about open source projects! And that people can add to!
For now, I’ll edit this thread post with links and suggestions from the August OSD call.
In the future, having a more formal place would be nice. I’m particularly inspired by the Turing Way (and not just because they got cool illustrations).
In that case, a site could be set up with Read the Docs. Or simpler, like a static site generator, Nikola. Or even simpler, a shared Google Doc.
How this Resource is Different: Not Repeating
This resource isn’t Comic Making 101. Nor does it repeat what the OSD community already knows about design.
Rather, the value would be in this intersection of comics and open source concerns, such as:
- Fitting in and Expanding a Project’s Documentation
- How to Pitch at Community Calls
- Funding and Sustainability
- Licenses
I would also like to write blog posts about my personal experience making comics for SciPy 2022. Lots of practical advice and funny anecdotes of that experience worth sharing . There’s a list of potential blog topics below.
Call to Action
If you have a resource or topic you would like added, just post below! I’ll add them to the list of resources.
Thank you for the discussion at the August OSD call! @Erioldoesdesign , @juhan , @jan @SaptakS , @simonv3 (let me know if anyone’s Discourse handle is incorrect)
Resources and Examples
GoInvo: Open Source Visualizations on Health and the Healthcare Industry
Academic Paper showing Value of Comics: Medical Graphic Narratives to Improve Patient Comprehension and Periprocedural Anxiety…
Comicgen: Character Creator, from easy-to-use drop down options
Early Sketches and Script for the ‘SciPy Accessibility Comic’, showing timeline and comments
Future Discussion or Blog Topics
Some topics are more for designers, some are for non-designers (developers, marketing, etc)
- How Comics could Get Someone to RTFM/Read the Docs
- Where Comics Fit into Documentation, using the Diátaxis framework
- Publish Yourself: Digital Options such as imgur, heyzine and Github
- Getting your Printed Comics out there! How to table at conferences and zinefairs
- Printing Advice: DIY photocopiers, print-shops, turnaround times and more!
- Pitching Comics: How to sell the value of design to non-designers and Where to Do it (Hint: Community Calls)
- Securing Funding: Who wants to fund our niche intersection? More than you think!
- Illustration as Alternative Mediums for Learning: for newcomers and visual learners
- How to make Comics Accessible for the Disabled Community: Alt Text and learning from web-based accessibility
- Building Your Team: Editor, Muse, Manager, and You
- How Technical Illustrators can work hand-in-hand with Technical Writers
- Licenses: Yes, just photocopy it! But wait- do I need a license? Zine Culture X Open Source Licenses
- Lessons from Fandom and DIY Zines
- How to Invite People into the Design Process: Brainstorming, Script-Writing and Sketching Together
- Translating Technical Concepts to Visual Metaphors: Communicating to the Domain Expert without Misrepresentation (but keeping the fun)
- Illustrating Thorny Issues Without Prickling Too much: Governance Models, Moderation and other topics, such as dealing with a difficult community member
- Presenting Your First Draft and Getting The Feedback You want
- Panel by Panel: The Value of Sequential Arts and Time in Explaining Technical Concepts
- What Flowchart Makers are Missing: Storytelling and the Human Core