Monthly Open Source Design call

Super super cool call this month! We talked about the jobs board and how to use the OpenCollective funds including funding travel to attend OSD events like FOSDEM and FOSS Backstage. Speaking of events, there are several in the next few months! There’s the Creative Freedom Summit which just closed their talk application, but the CfP is still open for the OSD devroom at FOSDEM, and for the design sub event at FOSS Backstage, so get your talks in and spread the word! Mars shared her amazing NumPy contribution comics and Tony shared his super cool work on making Jupyter notebooks accessible for people with disabilities with the Notebooks For All project! Thanks for joining everybody, and if you couldn’t make it this time, there’s always next month! :slight_smile:

Detailed notes with more links:

Monthly Open Source Design Call

6th December 2023: Juhan, Jan, Scott, Tony, Nimisha, Federico, Mars
