(From memory so apologies for the lack of detail!)
Attending: Eriol Fox, Jan, Belen, Bernard, Victoria.
- Intros
- Latest happenings on the forums and Open Design Projects
- Does the monthly call need a new time/day: https://doodle.com/poll/3vxi6pubin2tkqe5
- AOB/Tensions
Short round of intros of everyone in attendance including what we’re working as, when we got involved in OSD and why.
Talked about the purpose of the calls. Suggestions that it should be a quick update on what everyone is working on and the general activity happening in the Open Source Design world.
Talked about the two issues in the repo regarding moving events and jobs into the main repo.
Discussion on whether a collab doc could be set up for events/jobs to catalog and then have them updated in the website.
Some discussion on content generation being a heavy lift by the team and the articles section of the website could be move more towards signal boosting and sharing all the content done by others on OSD
Someone who has the repos setup locally and understands the pull request needs to review and approve.
Eriol is setting up the repos tonight blocked by not being part of the organisation and the repos not copying over correctly
An indepth, rambly conversation about the Open Design project that Ushahidi is working on with Adobe & Designit with some questions about the overarching goals of the project. The team shared some resources and insight including:
The term ‘open design’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OE6HNPf93c&=&list=PLe-w9p--aJKvxqmg9EO_SrPTVWhl65vsS&=&index=11&=&t=0s
How to work on more designers contributing to OSS: https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/panel_more_designers/
Academic research papers on usability in OSS: https://github.com/victoria-bondarchuk/List-of-Academic-Research-on-Usability-in-FOSS
Some concerns about an organisation like Adobe being part of a OSS initiative due to motives and why they want to encourage. Deeper discussion into whether OSD can be really OS when the tooling that design uses is closed.
Wrapped up talking about events that are being attended over the next year and how to talk more about design in open source.