Open Source Design monthly call - Doodle Poll for new time

Hi folks,

I’ll be hosting/organising/making sure Open Source Design monthly calls go ahead from now on so I’m sending this poll to see what kind of times most folks would like.

Let’s use the set time of this Wednesday at 17.00 GMT // 18.00 CEST // 09.00 PDT // 12.00 EDT // 19.00 EAT // 21.30 IST // 01.00 JST

But we’ll use this link to vote on a new time slot:



My doodle poll wasn’t very smart in that it asked for days/times in July (this month) and also limited you to three options…

I’ve changed this to reflect a 1 time frame but optional days and then other options for later/earlier/weekends. We’ll get there and apologies for the 1st useless draft of the poll!

Thanks for taking this on, @Erioldoesdesign :slight_smile:

Poll filled. Although I am one of those who will need something later than 16:00 GMT. I am usually in work at that time.

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Thanks so much @Erioldoesdesign! Unfortunately I’m not able to attend the call today, if it’s still on, as I’m vacationing and traveling with spotty wifi for 2 weeks.)

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