Not yet reproducible with any other instance of Discourse (I experimented with tweets for four other instances).
@staff please, maybe check both:
your site assets topic
URLs for logos
– do the URLs refer to the assets? Is each asset in a required format? And so on.
If it helps: I do not recall seeing the black lumps around 2017-04-13. So maybe the issue arose from an admin preference that was set some time after that date.
A sign of possible experimentation with a different logo (opensourcedesign-logo-inverted.png) but again, it’s not in an expected domain:
From a copy of the log (before I retired):
– again, there’s the domain. From what I recall of site administration (I learnt some time around 2017-04-11), that’s not a proper approach.
Instead: need to make proper use of – and refer to assets within – Assets for the site design.
@discourse please: might it help to use a smaller logo? Or is the problem more likely a rogue admin setting reference to the image in the domain?
Thanks @discourse the topic that’s referred from does have a YouTube video in the opening post, and I do recall reading of a case (not this forum) where the presence of a video in a Discourse topic caused a problem in a tweet, but I don’t think that’s the problem here.
Results of a few more test tweets a few minutes ago:
The likelihood of a black rectangle appearing when a tweet refers to a topic (not to a numbered post) in this forum suggests to me that there remains an issue, or combination of issues, with local admin settings.
In the related GitHub issue it was observed that something was extraordinarily large. Whilst that one thing may be no longer an issue, the first of the five screenshots above does suggest that a more appropriately sized image (not necessarily a logo, not necessarily square) should be applicable somewhere in the admin settings.
@jdittrich sorry for returning to this topic (after the detour to GirHub) but my gut told/tells me that some Discourse staff expertise may be required and it’s easier to address @discourse from here.
At any rate, one way to deal with this is to put an image in the first post
that you want to be used when people link to the topic. This also applies
to individual posts if someone deep links to an individual post, the first
image in the post is used.
I don’t disagree but still, my gut tells me that there might be an issue with an admin setting referring to something in the domain.
I changed the twitter and the opengraph images to using the URL I copied from the images which I uploaded in the assets thread. If I got it right, this was the recommended way of doing it (? @grahamperrin)