Prototype: Community Design Template

Following the online discussion and @htietze’s presentation about the LibreOffice mascot design process at the OSD summit, we talked about how iteration might take place in community design projects.

This is a quick attempt to bend Discourse into the right shape for this purpose, just to see how feedback and iteration could be introduced to the community design process. This test image is CC-BY Bennett Kowald from the Noun Project


How well do you think this metaphor represents LibreOffice?
1 = it doesn’t fit at alll
5 = it is a very good fit

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How similar is this design to the existing identities of other brands / projects?
1 = this design is unique
5 = It is very similar to another identity

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How cute is this logo?
1 = this is not cute at all
5 = OMFG this is so cute! :heart_eyes::clap::panda_face:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

Please add any comments and constructive criticism below!
Remember to be polite and respectful, and check out our [guidelines](linked document) for hints on how to effectively communicate in design discussions.

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@andreasn @jdittrich @Incabell @elioqoshi and anyone else who was involved in the discussion (or anybody else, of course), please add ideas and suggestions about how this kind of template could best be designed and used!

Question to add: How easy can this symbol be adjusted to individual needs?

The scales are not easy, ie, high value in #1 is bad but good in #2. Three questions are quite many, and we need a way to iterate on both the design as well the evaluation.

PS: I cannot imagine a way to do this detailed discussion / iteration with 300 proposals. The reviewers have to go over many pages without any preview of the content. What I have in mind is a thumbnail of the image being discussed in the thread along with name, author and rating. Is there a tool for this purpose?

Couldn’t find the swiss army knife so it’s just an imageboard