“Designing Brand Identities for Open Source”
1.Develop a Story
2.Brainstorm Words That Best Defines The Brand
3.Sketch Ideas Based on Brand Values, Vision and Mission
4.Provide Logo Options
5.Test Your Top Sketches on Platforms
6.Refine Your Chosen Sketch
7.Develop Your Logo’s Layout on a Free Design Platform
8.Pick Functional Color Options or Palette
9.Choose a Font
10.Ensure Scalability
So this is a great start for an outline and contains the most important things generally for a brand design project.
What I’d love you to have a think about is what differences (if any!) the project being open source raises? You’ve already raised one here ‘Free Design Platform’
I wonder specifically if you can encourage ‘openness’ and ‘community’ when developing the brand.
I would highly suggest looking back at how Mozilla did their last brand project as they tried an open approach and learned a lot!
Also, I know @elioqoshi has done a lot of open-source brand/logo projects and I think his experience and opinions here are immensely valuable.