Shorter Discourse Banner Text

Currently, our Banner text is too long to fit the banner non-scrolled on a HD screen (well, at least for mine). I suggest making it more terse.


(about 50% reduction)

Welcome to the Open Source Design forum!

This is a place for all kinds of productive discussion about open source and design: Methods, tools, funding, experiences, pushing for better open tools and open processes, and more

Connect and discuss here. Also, check out our :globe_with_meridians: website at, contribute at our :computer: GitHub organization, donate to our :money_with_wings: Open Collective, or spread the word via :bird: Twitter!

Current text:

Welcome to the Open Source Design forum!
This is a place for all kinds of productive discussion about open source and design:

  • pushing more open design processes
  • improving the user experience & interface design of open source software
  • the tools used for it
  • making it sustainable and securing funding
  • the issues that we face working in it and how to overcome them
  • and more :slight_smile:

To get involved more, please check out our :globe_with_meridians: website at, contribute at our :computer: GitHub organization, donate to our :money_with_wings: Open Collective, or spread the word via :bird: Twitter!


:thinking: Now I still need to find out how to change that thing… ( :mag_right: “banner” in settings does not lead me to the right place)

found it! It is a pinned post: Welcome to the Open Source Design forum! :)