AP: Emails need to go out to speakers to join this and help
AP: Speakers need to be present in both the rooms. Saptak to check the list via Bernard
Suspect there will be widgets over the chat rooms with the talks and then an area for questions with most votes.
Moderation, how will this happen?
Assign any people as moderator volunteer.
How many per talk? 3-4 people per session due to potential issues.
AP: Bernard to send out a poll of session times for volunteers
Eriol will do tweeting from the OSD Twitter account as talks happen. Eriol can schedule the tweets if needed
Pitch session will happen at the end of each day’s session. People turn up at the matrix room (?) then people take turns to pitch their projects or ask for projects.
I signed up to SustainOSS yesterday, and noticed a bunch of proprietary tools being used (reminds me of Mozilla Foundation that does so too). So I created a topic about looking for sustainable FOSS alternatives. Might be interesting to this community too (or maybe you are affiliated to SustainOSS?).
Some of us are part of Sustains OSS Design & UX working group yep.
You’ll find a mix of different thoughts and opinions on using only FOSS tools and a mix of FOSS and proprietary, it’s up to every individual to choose their toolset based on their needs and circumstances. We don’t dictate what people should use at Open Source Design.
Figma: Figma Started a jobs page layout design file jump in and help design the jobs page!
Some ideas for the jobs page improvements:
Many projects give emails or issue links/repos but plenty of designers still reply to forum threads wanting to contribute. We need a clear and single way for designers to start the job process and it needs to be super clear for the job poster that they need to engage in X way with designers.
We could encourage a discourse forum post immediately after the job post PR is accepted to get better responses.
Deadlines are really useful for our own admin purposes. Some job posts have them included but I think it’d be good to ask job posters for an idea of deadline.
We could also be: Keep for X weeks or so. Does not need to be called deadline
Or “Receiving submissions/applications until”
Categories for the jobs posting form and forum
Support to write your design needs via a call @scottjenson suggested this.
‘I’m a designer that can do X,Y and Z. Contact me to ask for help’. Create a profile from scratch? do we help designers make a github profile.
Could we pay someone to do some of what we want to happen across OSD.net and the jobs page?
AP: Eriol to start a new thread on forum to gather jobs page ideas and work. DONE
How do we deal with deadlines that have past?
Is the job board successful?
Shall we do an article for the successful jobs postings from over the years?
How can we push forward @Kai 's showcase design for homepage?
AP: Eriol can start to collect the successful projects and doing writing.
Closed successfully or closed unsuccessfully?
Do we want to assign metrics/analytics?
Do we want to think about matomo? Hosting and privacy investigation needed.
Sorting the job forum posts via views most?
Why are visuals/logos etc ‘easier’ to fill? or filled more?
Collect opinions of designers that have contributed and ones that haven’t.
Open Action: Someone can do a round-up article/page of FOSDEM 2021
AP Eriol: Check videos are all online and approved
We did it! yay! we had 247 in the dev room at one point!
Oh no I missed it
This month’s ideas and suggestions could be really great additions, especially stronger deadline guidelines and improvements to the jobs page experience for interested designers.
We should get on it, possibly open GitHub issues to start a discussion on implementation for some of these.
Job page design: Eriol is doing some design work on the Figma files and will post of discourse once done
Scott: willing to have a few chats with people that have requested Icons/Logos and have a conversation. Wants to do some deeper interviews with requesters and see what they are looking for from OSD jobs request. Know our user better. Between 2-6. Write up the results! AP: Get access to Bernard’s survey results DONE AP: Eriol can compile email responses and potential good people to speak to (good as in responsive to emails) DONE and DM’d to Scott
Also, the idea of doing a consultation call for potential requesters so they can book a chat with a designer like the UX clinic.
Branch re-naming
The repo structure will be re-named from ‘master’ when these updates have been done
We discussed paying for some dev work? do we have other ideas?
Any coming up?
All things open?
FOSDEM 21 round-up needs writing - Who wants to do this?
FOSS Backstage round-up needs writing - Who wants to do this?
Mozfest UX Clinic round-up needs writing - Who wants to do this?
Eriol has started these here: Riseup Pad
Github chats
Vic and Eriol talked about Open Design and open-source design
Eriol helped a designer wanting to do contributions to Libre lingo figure out how they want to do that via a 1-2-1 call about good first design issues and tasks as well as just generally how to start being involved. There’s a video zoom recording here
Passcode to view is: RPjeb&3X
Linux Health SIG quick update
How can I fund someone at half time to help on this because 1-8 hours is tricky.
Eriol is gonna share some rough onboarding processes they use with Mutual.aid and open food network
No big updates, people are working on the things in previous meeting notes
Core group discussed Matomo and analytics and metrics: Some differences in thoughts, Mention of for non-tracked, anon info. 'We would like to know info like ‘we had 600 visitors in May 2021 etc.’
So maybe an “investigation into how we can get basic (to be defined) analytics…with the possibility (if people agree) to put into place basic metrics”.
Conferences and companies ask us to deliver sessions and curate tracks so why don’t we reach out for funding to manage the continuing of this kind of work.
Partnering with another OSS project and pitch in part of the funds - umbrella org approach
Alternative to internship
Pick jobs on board and pay to have them done.
Complications around mentoring, coaching, choosing jobs and choosing who fills them.
Bounties are complex - are they contributions? or ‘Freelance jobs’ are you really ‘part of the project’ doesn’t work with a design process. Project doesn’t gain a new
New jobs board iteration
Funding the design & development of the new jobs board iteration
Scope for the jobs page
Fund that process that we advocate
Could we even do this before the whole website redesign?
Submission flow & Staticman
Then how jobs are displayed
AP: Eriol will look at the issues that already exist about web page design, job page improvements and then start to build a collaborative brief. DONE
Accessibility review of website
Producing educational material of this
Could detail the issues that we don’t have on accessibility add them to the repo
Sponsor designers to go to OSS conferences + travel grants if in person events
Sponsor conferences on behalf of Open Source Design
Investigate providing infrastructure/proof of concept infrastructure for designers? tools etc.
Carry out some research on design in FOSS
AP: Eriol: Will set up an anon poll so everyone can choose what they would like to see funded and we can re-convene next month to see whether we are content wth a majority vote or not! < DONE
Finished and updates on AP’s from the last meeting:
Sapatak is still working on a few PR’s and issues re repo merging and also redesign work.
Eriol: Will set up an anon poll so everyone can choose what they would like to see funded and we can reconvene next month to see whether we are content with a majority vote or not! < DONE
AP: Eriol will look at the issues that already exist about web page design, job page improvements and then start to build a collaborative brief. DONE
How to spend money
Some votes on the poll and there was some clarification on the options that Eriol made edits to
How long to keep it up? We loosely agreed another month and a half and review in August’s community call and September’s call can be the final one.
There are a couple of spending options that are ‘time sensitive’ e.g. collaborating with outreach on a fellowship/internship but they do two rounds per year so we won’t miss out, just have more time to prep.
Our money won’t disappear or be wasted if we don’t spend in a particular time frame so we can wait.
Eriol fixed the poll link in Nextcloud (sorry it was not public!) Vote on the poll by clicking here please! - AP: Eriol will create a discourse post for just the poll to vote on money spend and we could decide to tweet it too?
Repo stuff
Eriol cleaned up some issues, closed some old ones, commented on some, added a couple of new issues, responded to comments and request to pick up issues and started creating epics for collections of issues (using Zenhub extension)
lots of people want to pick up issues which is great! but we need more folks to lead on certain issues and tasks to guide and approve and review.
Should we look at ‘recruiting’ more code-related helpers to review PR’s and other things that are more code based?
Eriol has written 3 articles so far which you can read here:
All jobs authors that have not responded by Saturday the 11th of July will be closed!
Eriol is working on the Jobs page epic here via a Figma file here (which will eventually be migrated to our penpot.app open source design team). - AP: Someone needs to check the jobs repo listing that are ‘closed’ match those listed on our jobs page live. - AP: Eriol will migrate this google spreadsheet to the open-source design nextcloud account at some point soon.
Finished and updates on AP’s from the last meeting:
AP: Eriol: Will set up an anon poll so everyone can choose what they would like to see funded and we can reconvene next month to see whether we are content with a majority vote or not! < DONE AP: Eriol will look at the issues that already exist about web page design, job page improvements and then start to build a collaborative brief. < DONE AP: Eriol will create a discourse post for just the poll to vote on money spend and we could decide to tweet it too? < DONE AP: Someone needs to check the jobs repo listing that are ‘closed’ match those listed on our jobs page live.<DONE AP: Eriol will migrate this google spreadsheet to the open-source design NextCloud account at some point soon. < DONE
Jobs postings and automatic discourse posts
Jobs postings and automatic discourse posts that are default as ‘unlisted’
AP: Eriol - Double check with Jan, open an issue to investigate if agreed.
How to spend money
Leave poll up until the end of August 2021
Is it the top 3 or top 1 that get chosen? How do we decide on the winner?
Concern about one option using ‘all’ of the budget and some options only using ‘some’ budget.
Outreachy have timelines so we need to consider timing if we did want to collab with outreachy.
AP: Eriol Post on the final deadline - logistics what happens afterwards with chosen ‘winner’
Since the beginning of the year eriol has gone through each existing job post, cataloged on a google spreadsheet OSD Open Jobs - Google Sheets (to be move into Open source design’s NextCloud account asap) and then emailed all job posters asking if they want their jobs kept open. Some conversations and feedback happened on email and many people did not respond within 2 weeks so those were closed.
Now all old jobs are closed and the only jobs visible on our jobs page are those still ‘open’ and receiving contributions.
AP: Anyone Two wrap up pieces of writing have been requested one that is about the processes and a second that is around metrics and some case studies of jobs that have or haven’t been filled.
UX & Agile
What are resources for designers in OSS to do better Agile
Basic stuff is still relevant - user-centric and testing etc.
Short cycles rather than front-loading
Academic work about non-devs in OSS
AP: Eriol will start something (Disocurse or a repo?) about papers/experiences of designers in OSS.
Autoethnographic pieces exists about experiences in tech and OSS but so much from a dev perspective.
We need more writing/content from designers in OSS’s perspective
Suggestions on doing live streams of design work and ideas have also been pitched in other OSS + design groups and in conferences. Video content could be made? @amit.lzkpa was running sessions like this for a while, mini ‘talks’ sessions just about what we’re working on at that moment (if not NDA restricted)
DONEAP: Eriol Post on the final deadline - logistics what happens afterwards with chosen ‘winner’
Currently winning is the ‘internship’
DONEAP: Eriol will start something (Discourse or a repo?) about papers/experiences of designers in OSS. → Eriol has started collecting papers in a notion page here for their PhD. They aren’t all about Designers exp in OSS but they are connected to design + OSS in some way. Eriol is going to move this to Github at some point but for now…Notion is a bit easier to populate a table
Not finished AP’s from the last meeting (SORRY):
AP: Anyone Two wrap-up pieces of writing has been requested one that is about the processes and a second that is around metrics and some case studies of jobs that have or haven’t been filled. Rise up etherpad here
How to spend money
Meeting with outreachy: Read the notes from the meeting here: Riseup Pad
Conversations finances
Conversations around mentoring
We need to have a series of conversations and session on what internship/mentorships could look like and map our options well!
We need to think about spending this not as a one time activity but as an ongoing process
partner for where we provide mentors to help them I’m 100% onboard with Outreachy
We happen to have a bit of money and are thinking about what to spend it on
If we do it the other way around, like fundraise for something specific, we can have goals etc
Just a thing to keep in mind regarding Outreachy: If we spend it on it, we basically donate it to an open source project, cause usually they need to front the money.
And another option in the poll is “Select jobs from jobs board to assign paid bounties to them for OSS designers to complete” – which as far as I remember we didnt really want to do
I think we also never tried raising money. So if we spend and say we want to spend if we raise money, maybe we will get the $6k quicker next time?
maybe putting in the funding amount for something that grows the open source design community. not sure what could be those 1-2 aspects - branding, more community engagement, etc
Big question: What do we generally want to do (if money is no object)?
Most OSS orgs are very happy to receive contributions.
Good docs are a good signal. Especially if there’s a design specific docs
Chat channels and platforms to discuss the tool and ask for help.
No mention of anything user-related it’s probably not very ‘mature’
Find a docs writer or a product person or a design-friendly person.
I use the existence of documentation/a documentation group/discussion about documentation as a good proxy.
Discussing ways to “how to document the crazy UI” they’re at least thinking about it.
If 90% of the chat is about regex (or some tech-heavy language), even as a developer, I am going to get out of there
I think my favourite advice was just talk to the maintainers.
Having a good ‘first step’ into the OSS and figure out where the key areas to contribute is.
Look at a roadmap and where the org is headed to make sure that your contributions are ‘useful’
Some orgs don’t want contributors to be involved in the delivery pipe for important work due to bad impressions of how long contributors stay volunteering and how quickly they do work.
Bernard explained his approach: Do desk research on a project, lurk on the chat rooms for about a week, then ask user-related questions, depending on how they respond they decide to stay or leave. Most of the time people want you to do that work, then you get the ‘ohh this is hard’
Saptak S (he/him) says: Apart from the chats (like IRC, etc.), documentation, etc. I always think looking at the issue tracker is also a good place to get an idea how much keen they already are about design
Who are the decision-makers in a project? find that out and engage. Talk to the right people.
Re. new design for OSD: Saptak is looking into restructuring more, so gonna take some time for the implementation of designs to finish, but fully welcome any design help.
All the designs are by me based on some suggestions by Elio (another person from OSD), so I am sure needs lot of help. But everything is in penpot and open.