Let's spend some money! šŸ¤‘ļø

Unfortunately I havenā€™t had much time to contribute to OSD for a while, Iā€™ve only been able to help out with my monthly donation. Recently I thought that I might reduce that contribution, because it seems like OSD doesnā€™t really need itā€¦ and I wondered if other financial donors (or potential donors!) might also be thinking the same thing.

So far weā€™ve raised $6192 in our Open Collective, and weā€™ve only ever spent $643 of that (mostly on cards, stickers, banners etc).

What do we do with our :moneybag:?

Iā€™d love to hear peopleā€™s ideas about what we could use our funds for, in order further our goals as a community.

There has been some brief discussion about getting paid hosting for OSD infrastructure, but as @jan pointed out, we can likely get that kind of thing as sponsorship.

And while $5500 is a lot of money when thinking about getting stickers printed, itā€™s hardly anything in terms of paying people to do OSD-related work.

One idea to get things rolling:

There is a bunch of valuable work ongoing in the community, like re-designing the website, representing OSD at events etc. But thereā€™s also a tonne of less ā€˜glamorousā€™ maintenance work going on behind the scenes, eg. last month @Erioldoesdesign followed up ALL of the outstanding jobs on the job board via email!

With the Secure Scuttlebutt community, we have a Scuttlebutt Maintenance open collective to support this kind of work. Admittedly we had a decent-sized grant to get things started, but I liked the framing - itā€™s mostly money for people in the community rather than for goods and services, and itā€™s not for fancy experiemental new software projects, but rather for the less public and exciting stuff - documentation, bug-wrangling, admin, etc.

What other ideas do you have?