Notes from Jan 6th 2021 community call
- We did a quick round of intros
- FOSDEM (our 7th FOSDEM as Open Source Design dev room)
- 14 sessions with 2 from OSD as intros
- Checked that submissions were all related to open source and/or design in some way.
- We still need two volunteers for speakers
- And Bernard may need some logistical help
- Two half-days
- See FOSDEM 2021 - Support for speakers for more details
- Pitch your project
- Hallways track for chatting
- No booth this
FOSS Backstage
- AP: Eriol to poke the organisers re. UX clinic
Repos & Websites & Master to main
- All ongoing
- Master to main has some discussion
Donations to Open Source Design Open Collective
Showing backers from casinos
Background info: OSD has been getting donations from casinos over the last year and we talked about what kind of orgs we wanted to get funding from.
We want to try to have the casinos not show up on our github and our website via widgets.
We agreed to remove the casinos from github Jan has figured this out
We talked about how to change the website which will move to signal chat and then decided.
Jan will also open a issue on open collective github re. widget errors.
OSD running costs is just domain hosting and merch usually.
AP: Eriol to start a discussion about what we do with funding.
Review the discussion from last OSD summit.
Open Design Processes
And open process for design projects re. branding for a project Eriol was intro’d to re. MDN docs
Eriol has been talking with a designer and OSS project re. how to start an open source design process or how to go about start this journey.
We spoke generally about OSS and design and how designers come to contribution, OSS and sustainability and longevity of designers sticking at OSS.