Libre book: Beginner’s Guide to User Need Research – use and improve it

The Beg­inner’s Guide to Finding User Needs is a little hands-on, libre textbook on doing qualitative research, like interviewing and observation.

I created the book because there were few books on the topic in general, almost non were free, and most did just brush over the problems my students had. I aim for it being easy to understand which has (hopefully) led to lots of (worked) examples and a concrete and graspable writing style.

I’d be happy about feedback: Improvement suggestions, your experiences using methods from it and also just spelling mistakes etc.

Currently, I want to improve the sections prepare your research and communicate results


Hey @jdittrich this looks awesome - do you mind if I share this around with some people who might have good feedback?

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do you mind if I share this around with some people who might have good feedback?

Please share! It is meant to be used (and feedbacked)


I did a major rewrite of the book, reworking all chapters including the illustrations and adding several new sections on topics like ethics, GDPR, research in- and with a team etc.

As before, you can get ebooks and background info here, read online here and, if you like, pay for it here