Introductions (come in, say hi)

Hello @Jaljiths, @Na-bi, and @iamakshayvinchurkar! Really happy to see you all here! Feel free to take a look around in the other threads in the forum to see if any topics interest you, and share your thoughts if you wish to do so :slight_smile: If you are interested in working on open source projects, you can check out the job postings on the forum, they have some cool volunteer as well as paid roles available :slight_smile:


Hi guys name is Charles i prefer being called Charz though young in the filed of UX/UI (almost 2 years experience) I come from Uganda (very hard to find designers from here :laughing: also i am not working at any company at the moment. I joined open source because of my love to learn about design and how far open source contributions can help build the field. Feels overwhelming in here :laughing: as most of the people here seem to be having alot of years of experience however i will be glad to learn fro everyone thanks



My name is Rob and I’m a designer working in healthcare at Lantum, where we build products to help ease the staffing and scheduling crisis in the NHS.

It feels so good to be back on a forum-like platform. Everything about it reminds me of phpBB and vBulletin days. Can we have forum signatures here?

Anyway hey!


Hello there!
I’m a product designer that has worked on design systems for the past 6 years now.

I am hoping to get into FOSS and contribute more to the community through design (or development where I can).

Glad to join and be a part of the community!


Hello @charz , @heymynameisrob and @Caramel Thank you for introducing yourselves on here, welcome! :slight_smile: If you haven’t gotten a chance to yet, you can check out the different topics on the forum, we have some really interesting discussions! You can also take a look at the job category if you would like to work on open source projects, there are both paid and unpaid jobs.
We also have a monthly open source design call on the first Wednesday of every month at 19:00 Europe timezone (the last one happened today!). It’s open for anyone who’s interested, so feel free to drop in, it’s a lot of fun :slight_smile:


Hi, everyone!

I’m Charlie, a full stack software developer based in Vancouver, Canada. I love building software side projects that can help others.

Teamnova, made in Vancouver with love, is on a mission to make high-quality project-based mentorship in open source more accessible and inclusive.

While traditional Open Source Mentorship Programs (OSMPs) are excellent, they often lack a structured approach for effective team collaboration. The Apache maxim “Community Over Code” inspired me to think, “Why not create a new platform where mentors can help mentees improve both the hard and soft skills required for open source??” This is how the concept of Teamnova’s “S-Team” (Self-organizing Team) structure was born.

We would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions as we continue to improve the “Open Source Design” of Teamnova. Feel free to contact us via or try out the demo platform at


Hola! I’m Federico

Designer based in Spain, currently working as UX Designer at Moodle HQ in the community team. :earth_africa:
I love using open source products, I hope I can bring value here!

Cheers :wink:


Hi Frederico, great to have you here! Feel free to ask questions, contribute to existing discussions or start new ones. You can also join the monthly org meeting (also, I use moodle a lot at work :slight_smile: )


Hello guys, don’t know if I’m creating a post the right way, new here so all seem quite confusing at the moment.

I’m Samson, a UI/UX designer with a foot in Front-End dev. I’m based in Nigeria, looking forward to contributing in anyway I can.


That looks like the right way! Great to have you here. Feel free to visit the other forum categories or to join the monthly chat!

:wave: Hi All!

I’m Mike, and thanks to @Erioldoesdesign for telling me to join this site when I met them last year at JupyterCon in Paris!:rocket:

I’m a former web developer, turned psychologist & UX designer. I work in meta science🧑‍🔬(trying to improve the system of science), am UX Lead at Curvenote (redesigning things like scientific articles and peer review systems) and work on open source MyST Markdown (an OS framework for composing scientific articles :test_tube::page_facing_up:).

I’m also the guy who started a little movement to improve academic posters with a Youtube cartoon that went viral under #betterposter.

Looking forward to hopefully getting to know yall and learning a lot from all the amazing talents I see here already!


Welcome! it’s great to see you again :smiley:

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Hiya! I’m excited to be here :partying_face:

:woman_technologist: About Me
I’m Dami | she/her/hers | GitHub

:rocket: What I’m currently working on (at work and personal)?

  • I’m a senior product (UX/UI) designer at a startup providing cybersecurity and compliance automation for companies across Africa which has been a very interesting experience especially in such a unique industry.
  • On the side I volunteer as an advocate for people transitioning into tech or trying to grow in their careers. I also provide free mentorship services on ADPList.

:potted_plant: What I’m learning these days? And my interests?

  • Motion graphics and interaction design.

  • Designing user experiences for emerging technologies like VR, augmented and extended reality

  • I enjoy (and trying to do more of…) travelling, pottery, coffee.

  • Opportunities to grow within my career including new roles, freelance projects or contributing to startup ideas and might be able to make an impact in early-stage teams. I’m happy to discuss how I might fit in

  • Navigating freelance contract opportunities

:heart: Offers

  • I am passionate about contributing to startup teams and might be able to make an impact in design strategies for early-stage teams. So, feel free to reach out to me to chat or work together :smiling_face:

Hi, Dami! Wonderful of you to volunteer on ADPList. Have had such good experiences there. I’m just getting into 3D modeling a tiny bit myself too, and also curious about VR/AR UX. Make anything cool yet? Or seen any cool articles/examples that inspired you? I’d love to see them! Anyway welcome!

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Hi there Dami :wave: lovely to e-meet you and great to meet another person that does ADPlist mentorship :smiley: if you’d like me to add you to a particular Github team on the Open Source Design Github then I’ll happily do that if you message me your country/city.

Anyone else who hasn’t been added to a team can also message me with their github username and what country they want to be added to :smiley:

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Hi everyone, I’m Alex, a UI/UX designer based in India. I’m thrilled to be here and contribute to the team! While there’s a lot to learn, I’m eager to dive in and get started.


Hi there Alex, nice to have you with us - if you’d like to be added to any geographical regional teams just message me or at me here with your location and I can add you :slight_smile:

We have these teams that are India based:

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Hi there :wave: I’m Aaron, a developer-turned-product designer. I’m based in San Francisco Bay Area so if anyone wants to grab a coffee or bite in person, feel free to reach out to me. A long time ago, I was a contributor to Babel as a developer but I would like to start getting more involved in open source design.


Hey @aaronang! Welcome! :slight_smile: nice to meet another person from the Bay area! Feel free to take a look around the forums or start a new thread. We have a call on the first Wednesday of every month at 19:00 CEST where anyone can hop in and you find the details for that in the monthly call thread :slight_smile:


Thank you @nim! I’ll try to attend the monthly calls if my work schedule allows it :slight_smile: What’s currently top of mind for you and this community?