Hi there folks, hope you enjoy the holidays!
At Ura, we recently pivoted our Patreon from general Open Source Design to building Identihub, open source self-hosted software for managing brand and visual assets of your projects easily in one place. Identihub is licensed under AGPL and is completely grassroots developed by a small number of contributors. We are currently working in our free time to build it, however we are looking to fund more time for a developer to work on it, so we need your help to make this happen. If you are able to, please consider becoming a Patron on our Patreon. Your support will help us fund development costs and bring Identihub closer to our vision:
For any information about the project: http:identihub.co
If you are at 34c3, I’d be excited to demo you the project (and come to my session at the FSFE track):
By FOSDEM I hope that we have a Beta ready with extensive bug fixes and some more features. We are working on a WebDav / Nextcloud integration for assets sync meanwhile among other features.
Feedback is welcome!