@ei8fdb @belenbarrospena @evalica @victoria-bondarchuk
The checklist (updated):
Submit proposal for Developer Room on Fosdem.org | example | Deadline: 20 September
Submit proposal for Stand on Fosdem.org #52 | Deadline: 1 November
See accepted developer rooms announcement on Fosdem.org | example | Deadline: 2 October
Create Fosdem 2020 event on opensourcedesign.net | example | Deadline: 12 October (Create event as soon as devroom is accepted)
Create Fosdem 2020 Call for Participation article on opensourcedesign.net | example | Deadline: 12 October (Or as soon as devroom is accepted)
Fix the dates for the track when they are announced
Manage the Fosdem 2020 Call for Participation step on Pentabarf | Deadline: 1 December (or earlier)
- ☐ Promote the Call for Participation on Twitter and mailinglists | example | Deadline: 1 December
- ☐ Brainstorm on talks | example | Deadline: 10 December
- ☐ Create the session proposals review spreadsheet | example | Deadline: 5 December
- ☐ Send review mail to community members on mailinglist | mail: Session proposals for review - Open Source Design devroom | Deadline: 15 December (or earlier)
- ☐ The acceptance / rejection notifications to speakers via pentabarf | Deadline: 15 December (or earlier)
- ☐ Publish developer rooms complete schedules on Fosdem.org | example | Deadline: 15 December (or earlier)
- ☐ Create promotional materials (stickers, banners) for opensourcedesign #43 | Deadline: 15 January
- ☐ Organize the open source design dinner #62 | Deadline: INSERT-DATE
- ☐ Handle the devroom logistics videobox | example | Deadline: INSERT_DATE
- ☐ Cover the event on Twitter | example | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
- ☐ Open Source Design Devroom sessions presenter | Deadline: 2 Feb
- ☐ Open Source Design Dinner + picture | Deadline: 1 Feb
- ☐ Open Source Design Devroom picture | example | Deadline: 4-5 Feb
- ☐ Review the videos recording start/end times for the talks in order to be published
- ☐ Create FOSDEM 2020 slides folder on opensourcedesign Github example | Deadline: 1 Mar
- ☐ Submit talks slides on opensourcedesign GitHub| example | Deadline: 1 Mar
- ☐ Write post event article on opensourcedesign.net | Deadline: 1 Mar
- ☐ Provide a link to the video recordings | example | Deadline: 31 Jul
Pentabarf updates:
Mailing list updates:
Folks, we need help promoting I think.
4 days to go!