Hey everyone, I’m Karthik. Thrilled to join this group! I’m an experienced UX designer and UI developer, eager to contribute to open source design. This is my first time joining an open source group, and I’m excited to be part of it. Looking forward to contributing. Happy Friday!
Hi, everyone, Lucas here. I discovered this group through my interest in creating videos and interactive content, combined with the production of free tools. I have had several experiences in the area and today I have been working on a web tool focused on this type of production, such as small websites, narrative games and the like called TilBuci (tilbuci.com.br).
I’m new to UI/UX but i’ve always been a good designer. I love to design and make websites, make apps, make art. I love art and i’m already real good at UI/UX i feel like. I’m looking for any volunteer jobs to help gain experience and get a good portfolio. Let me know if I can be of any help for any UX designer and volunteer jobs.
Welcome @Henrik21 @lucasjunqueira-var @karthikuiux ! Please check out our monthly community call details Open Source Design monthly call - Open Source Design and also if you’d like to be added to a regional team Sign in to GitHub · GitHub then please let me know your github handle/username :))))
Heya👋 its not easy meeting a dev turned designer
Hey, I’m a videomaker and co-founder of Estúdio Gunga, a design and communication studio using exclusively free software for the last 17 years. I am also member of the Kdenlive team and KDE Goals project manager.
Based in Brazil.
FLOSS advocate.
Agroforestry and Solidarity Economy practitioner.
Hi, I’m a graduating student in Industrial Design with a specialty in ux and interaction design from Montreal, Canada. I have a background in computer science. I always liked open source projects and I’m looking to give back to the communities that helped me so much with their software since always.
Looking forward to contribute!
Kdenlive is really something I’m looking into!
Hi o/ I’m Snow (she/they), I’m a student in software development and I’m extremely interested in UX/UI design because I find that it’s really what gives me connection to the users and purpose to the things I’ll develop (making sure that what I’m making is good, meets the needs of the users, etc).
I’m also very into free and open source software and am looking to make design a bigger part of open source development.
Welcome @SnowCode I hope to see you in a community call and around the forum - don’t hesitate to reach out if you need something specific or have questions
Also welcome to @frdbr it was great seeing you on February’s community call and @facuccino welcome welcome!
Hello there, I’m Pascal Isman (he/him), my pseudo is lascapi.
- my blog: lascapi.fr
- mastodon account: lascapi.
I’m french and I live in Bonn, Germany. I’m a fullstack web developer and also web designer. That become more and more clear for me that UX/UI should always come before any programmation.
I’m working right now on a ‘Open Instant Messaging Service’ - more info here mio.chat.
I see how it’s difficult to find the good words, pictures and concept to explain complexes things like protocols
to everyone.
I’m here to learn and to network.
Hi all!! I joined recently, I’m a designer based out of the UK. Pretty chuffed to be part of this community and dig into it a bit. Will try attend the next community call!