FOSDEM 2020 Open Source Design organisation

I read through some of the github issue conversations from previous years and it was awesome (and scary) to see all the discussions and planning around this!

Regarding the planning and talks:
I remember the panel discussion from the devroom last year. I think that was really cool and what do you all think about having the same again?

Looking at the tentative schedule from 2016 I suppose we would again have time for 17 talks/sessions(20 mins each).
The last one was for the shout outs which I think is awesome and I say we reserve a slot for that.
In the remaining 16 slots what does everyone think about having 1 or 2 panel discussions again?
Some topic suggestions:

  • How your workplace manages designers working with developers and what OS can learn from it.
  • Design research methodologies and how we can make the insights more accessible to non-designers.
  • Inviting some OS project maintainers to ask where they see design fitting in their project.

I haven’t ever organized a discussion like so and would be great to hear from you all about your experience with it from last year.

Editing this post because discourse doesn’t let more than 3 consecutive posts.

Follwing over the tradition of copying over @evalica’s awesome checklist.

Have only partially updated it and will copy it here once done.

Also I thought it’ll be a good idea to open up a thread for brainstorming for the devroom to everyone on the forum.

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