Hey guys,
CCC is coming up soon, and I wanted to ask who else was able to score a ticket that will be attending. Would you like to meet up/collaborate, give a lightning talk to raise awareness or just hang out and go to talks/parties please post here and we can exchange info and find a meeting spot etc… Hope to meet everybody!!!
Hi @dmichl!
@belenbarrospena and I will be there for the whole of CCC. We could do a self-organised event there? I know they’re pretty easy to get going.
that would be amazing to organize a mini event, will put on my thinking cap and get back to you with suggestions. Others who are coming please post and if you have ideas, the more the merrier
I will not be there at the CCC, but I am in contact with Erik from FSFE who organizes their assembly. Last year Brennan, Elio and me gave a joint introductory talk about Open Source Design there and it was pretty well received (with a full room): https://events.ccc.de/congress/2016/wiki/Design_in_Free_Software_%26_Open_Source
I just asked Erik if he could come here and let you know what needs to be submitted.
(Also cc @victoria-bondarchuk who will be there and @Incabell who might be there?)
Hi all,
took me a while to get the account done, but hey, now I am in : )
So, thank you @jan for making the connection here. I am Erik from the FSFE and, as usual, we have an assembly at the CCC. The “template page” for the 34C3 already exists:
if you like to have a session similar to last year by @jan and others, then you should send it in like yesterday! The deadline is over and we are already fixing the schedule with our friends in the rights&freedoms cluster. For doing so, please use this template:
Title: name of your session
Description: description of your session
Type: talk / discussion / meeting / workshop …
Tags: put useful tags here
Link: (if there is a helpful link)
About yourself: some words about you/your biography
There are other options as well. For example it is also possible for friends to have informal meetings, announcements, workshops or other activities at our assembly. In this case, write an informal mail and we will see what we can do.
But the same applies here: The FSFE is happy to offer our friends from Open Source Design a meeting place, session or whatever, but please contact me as soon as possible.
Erik - (eal fsfe org)
Hey there,
I will alls be there and we plan a Delta Chat “Intro and Hands-on Testing and Feedback Session” event
Looking forward to meet all of you guys on 34c3
Hi @dreirik
Sorry for the delay and delaying your entries further! I’d like to register for an assembly if still possible, should this be done elsewhere too, or is here okay?
Title: Design in Free Software & Open Source
Description: Design in free software & open source is improving in recent years, but we still have a lot to do. If we want people to use free software, it needs to be as simple & easy to use as proprietary counterparts.
The Open Source Design collective pushes design in free software. We organize design tracks at well-known events like FOSDEM and FOSSASIA, have a job board to get designers involved, provide open design resources to developers and designers and more.
Type: talk /workshop
Tags: design, UX, branding
Link: http://opensourcedesign.net
About us: @dmichl, @ei8fdb, @belenbarrospena, @victoria-bondarchuk
You can also register the talk as all of you @dmichl @victoria-bondarchuk @belenbarrospena @ei8fdb It’s always good when people see there’s many people behind the initiative. Or maybe even two different talks with 2 slightly different angles? Whatever you like.
Yes, was rushing in trying to get this out!
@victoria-bondarchuk just want to double check you’re down for this talk, please confirm and I’ll be sure to loop you in on everything
@dmichl Yes, I’m. Thank you for taking care of it, would love to be involved very much!
Sweet yay! you’re added to the participants just waiting on @dreirik to confirm he was able to add us to his assemblies
Hey, @dmichl @victoria-bondarchuk, yes, received the proposal and we are generally positive about it. However, space and schedule arrangements this year are getting complicated. New rooms, new clusters… We have a phone call with the cluster tomorrow, and I keep you updated.
Totally understand, especially since we were late - thank you so much for attempting to fit us in! let us know if you need anything else on our end fingers/toes crossed over here that all goes well!
As I said, I will be there too. Let me know if I can help in any way. I will bring some OSD stickers, would be great if you’d bring some as well!