Berlin, Germany

Calling the Berlin folks! :slight_smile:

cc @jdittrich @htietze @bnvk @Incabell @danila.pellicani and more

We have semi-regular monthly meetups, plan is to have them every 3rd Thursday of the month.


So next meetup will be at Friday 26 May, the day after OpenTechSummit, as @elioqoshi proposed! :slight_smile:


Also, be sure to come to our Open Source Design track at OpenTechSummit! :slight_smile:

cc @simonv3 @elioqoshi @jdittrich @Incabell @htietze


Do I need to buy a ticket as a speaker? Even when the name is mistyped :wink:

As a quick reminder, we’ll have our meetup today at c-base (U-Jannowitzbrücke) instead of Mozilla. :slight_smile:

Drop by at 19:00 – let’s talk about Open Source Design and work on it!

Spread the word :bird:

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Hi everyone!
I just joined open source design recently and started working with the local group in nyc to help plan a meet up. I wanted to ask a few other local groups what itinerary topics, presentations or discussions worked that you would recommend. I would really appreciate it and if you’re ever in NYC keep a lookout for our upcoming events!
tschuss :slight_smile:


Awesome! Generally we don’t do presentations and have action-oriented meetups. Some suggestions:

  • Simply getting to know each other. Backgrounds, open source projects people work on, tools people work with, issues people have.

  • How we can promote the collective as a whole and specifically the job board.

  • Which local design events and open source events we can participate in, present at or organize a design track at

  • What we can improve on the website (code at )

  • Anything you can come up with. :slight_smile: Best post some notes of what you did at the meetup in your city thread. Here’s some notes from our last Berlin meetup:

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for this, will review and share with our group

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By the way, if any of you Berlin open source designers is in town next week, you’re very welcome to join our Nextcloud conference! :slight_smile: