Calling the Berlin folks!
cc @jdittrich @htietze @bnvk @Incabell @danila.pellicani and more
We have semi-regular monthly meetups, plan is to have them every 3rd Thursday of the month.
Calling the Berlin folks!
cc @jdittrich @htietze @bnvk @Incabell @danila.pellicani and more
We have semi-regular monthly meetups, plan is to have them every 3rd Thursday of the month.
So next meetup will be at Friday 26 May, the day after OpenTechSummit, as @elioqoshi proposed!
Also, be sure to come to our Open Source Design track at OpenTechSummit!
Do I need to buy a ticket as a speaker? Even when the name is mistyped
As a quick reminder, we’ll have our meetup today at c-base (U-Jannowitzbrücke) instead of Mozilla.
Drop by at 19:00 – let’s talk about Open Source Design and work on it!
Spread the word
Hi everyone!
I just joined open source design recently and started working with the local group in nyc to help plan a meet up. I wanted to ask a few other local groups what itinerary topics, presentations or discussions worked that you would recommend. I would really appreciate it and if you’re ever in NYC keep a lookout for our upcoming events!
Awesome! Generally we don’t do presentations and have action-oriented meetups. Some suggestions:
Simply getting to know each other. Backgrounds, open source projects people work on, tools people work with, issues people have.
How we can promote the collective as a whole and specifically the job board.
Which local design events and open source events we can participate in, present at or organize a design track at
What we can improve on the website (code at )
Anything you can come up with. Best post some notes of what you did at the meetup in your city thread. Here’s some notes from our last Berlin meetup:
Thank you so much for this, will review and share with our group
By the way, if any of you Berlin open source designers is in town next week, you’re very welcome to join our Nextcloud conference!