Adapting the Enough logo for NextCloud / favicon.ico / stickers

Hi @dachary
I saw your request and attached are the following.
Enough logo Favicon Zip - I made the three major sizes:

16x16: enough_16x16
32x32: enough_96x96
96x96: enough_32x32

NextCloud Enough logo adaption - I’m happy to try more iterations but I didn’t think the white circle sat well with the others. Ideally it needs to fit the design language already in place. So I pulled one of the drawable resources in your images from Github (activity) and made sure it would sit centered next to the rest. I chose on the lighter blue color and would suggest you use the logo’s main yellow color (#F1C119) as the rollover state.
main state: Enough_NextCloud
rollover state: Enough_NextCloud

I hope this helps, and please let me know if there are any problems with the files or changes you’d like, I’m happy to revisit. Also where should I upload the original .AI files so you have them on record?
Let me know what you need re- stickers.!

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