Titles next to names

@jan this just in from https://meta.discourse.org/t/can-a-user-edit-their-user-title/26681/14

Any user can change their title from their Preferences setting to any that are availble to choose from.
If there are none available to choose from the select will show only
The only way to have this title changed to custom text is for Staff to do it.

If you want to have a user filled title field, that’s one thing custom user fields can be used for. Such fields can be displayed on user cards and profile pages.

That said, I don’t see anything about title at all under my user preferences either here or on the meta.discourse site. I hope this helps.

@erlend_sh @blake.erickson as someone who is new to Discourse, I’m a bit surprised that users can’t simply set their own titles. I have to admit that I feel somewhat disempowered. I’m at the whim of the admins to put a description next to my name at Open Source Design and it’s an uncomfortable feeling.

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