Open Source Design Summit 2018 - Tirana, Albania

Hello everyone,

I’m creating this thread in order to have all discussions regarding the upcoming Open Source Design Summit in one place.

As it has been discussed on Github the location for this year’s edition will be Tirana, Albania and the dates are November 2-4. As a venue we are thinking of Protik Innovation Center. Protik can host several presentations at the same time on parallel tracks.

It would have been great if members from the OSD community in other cities can spread the word about the Summit in other open source communities in order to have more people that practice design the open source way join us in Tirana.

More updates to come :grinning:


Tweet is out at :slight_smile:

Please retweet and like to spread the word, and also do share through other channels. :tada:


Hello. Please check for potential venue or let me know if you need more details.


We are having a meeting on Thursday with @Arjan to discuss the venue. We are quite positive about it since it has been proven to be a great location in the past for other events as well!

On another note, we expect Stickermule to become a sponsor by offering sticker credits for our needs (which would cover enough stickers for 35c3 and FOSDEM probably.


Happy to announce that Oficina will be the venue for the Summit! Attached some photos of the venue.







Hi everyone,

I wanted to send an email to the people that have registered so far for the OSD Summit with some details about the Summit itself and the city of Tirana. Is there anyone here who has access at the Open Collective platform as I’m going to need to get people’s emails for that?

This is urgent!


Open Collective doesn’t list the individual emails of the people that registered. Also GDPR would be breached if they did.
Apparently there is a function to “Send Mail” and it uses a generated mailinglist for the event, but I’m not sure if it’s linked to the account of the person that is logged in. Also it appears that only 3 people have their e-mail address public, so I don’t know how many people will actually receive the mail, even if we did use the generated mailinglist.

What is the message you’d like to sent? Also would be nice if you pasted it here in order to have it as a reference for the next summits.

I think the best method of sending valuable information is still Twitter.

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Yeah, @evalica good suggestion! :slight_smile: @mariana can you post the mail you sent for reference here?

And since at the last summit we did take a lot of notes but they didn’t go far outside of the Etherpad, it would be cool if this time one person of a session (maybe the one who suggested it) can post the summary or notes to the forum? – And not just in the Events category either, but in the relevant one, to continue the exchange online, and also make it visible for people not at the Summit. :slight_smile: What do you think?

I’m pasting below the entire text I sent. Feel free to use it for other events :wink:

Hi there,

You are receiving this because you got a ticket for the Open Source Design Summit in Tirana, Albania this weekend! In case you know a friend or colleague who is attending but they haven’t registered yet, please tell them to do so and if you have some time probably forward them this email.

Registration link: Open Source Design Summit 2018 - Open Collective

Below you will find some details for the summit itself and the city of Tirana.

# Venue

The venue for the Summit will be Ofiçina, a tech incubator. In the past there were some other open source related events taking place there including OSCAL 2017 and LibreOffice Conference 2018.

Ofiçina shares the same entrance with Harry Fultz Institute and there will be a guardian at the door that will ask you where you are heading. You will have to let then know that you are going to Ofiçina. At the entrance there will be someone to guide you on how to get there but in case there is no one there the moment you arrive, you need to know that once you get in you will have to turn on your left. If you prefer, give us a call and we will escort you from the gate.


OpenStreetMap: oficina tirana | OpenStreetMap

Google Maps: Google Maps

# Schedule

We don’t have a specific schedule with sessions due to the nature of Open Source Design as a collective but also the Summit as a small unconference. Everyone attending is crucial to help shape the event. However we have broad time windows we reserved the venue so you can plan ahead what glorious conversations and sessions you want to have.

Note: We have a professional photographer onsite so take advantage of him! We will also have a group photo during a fitting time when most of the attendees will be present. Of course, if you prefer not to have pictures taken of you, let us know.

Friday, November 2nd

We are slowly starting to welcome attendees at the venue at 4PM until 8PM to help make the best out of the time we will spend in the next 2 days together.

Saturday, November 3rd.

10:00 - 13:00 : Open Source Design Meta Discussions

13:00- : Lunch

2-8PM: Unconference Sessions

# Group chat

For informal and quick communication we have created a public group chat on the Telegram message app. Please stay on OSD Summit related topics and remember to be polite with others.

Invitation link: LINK

# Lunch

During the Summit lunch will be provided by us. In case you have any special dietary preferences (ex. vegetarian, vegan, etc) please respond to that email and let us know! It won’t be a problem to cater to your needs but we would need to know in advance.

Coffee and drinks will also be provided during the Summit.

# Tirana

In the culture of remixing and not reinventing the wheel, check out the Tirana Survival guide from the last OSCAL conference held in our city:

Visiting Tirana

# Currency

The local currency in Albania is called “lek” (ALL) and the analogy is 1€≈124ALL or 1$≈109ALL. Keep in mind that in many places they don’t accept credit/debit cards so it is highly recommended you have cash in ALL. You can exchange money directly at the airport or in the city center. The rates are better in the city center but if you want to avoid the hassle you can exchange your money at the airport.

# Weather

Weather forecast predict that during the Summit weekend the weather will be phenomenally warm for November (average max temperatures up to 30°C). Although, during the night the temperatures drop so it might be advisable to have a hoodie with you (or jacket if you get cold easily).

# Airport

The most convenient way to get from the airport to Tirana is by taxi. The journey from Tirana to the airport takes 20 to 30 minutes, depending on traffic, and starts from 1,200 ALL (≈13€) each way (GreenTaxi is the most affordable company also with electric cars: +355 8002000 ). The “Rinas Express” bus departs every hour until the evening and costs 250 ALL. For the detailed timetable you can check:

As mentioned above, it is very important to have an as much as possible accurate number of attendees due to logistics reasons. In case your plan have changed since the day you got your ticket and you cannot attend the OSD Summit please let us know that you are not coming!

In case you have any questions please reach out to me via email or Telegram ( @username )

Looking forward to see you in Tirana,


*rhyme not intended

On the text above I deleted two links due to privacy reasons.



Hi all!
Quick update: I made it home OK and can stand straight again! Thanks again everyone who helped me with luggage carrying, exercises, massages, medicine and (literal) patches. You are the best, and I’m so glad to be part of this supportive community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Love from Berlin!


Congrats to everyone that made the OSD Summit 2018 be a reality. Especially @elioqoshi @mariana @AnXh3L0 ! Happy to hear everyone had a blast :slight_smile:


It looks like the summit was (again) a success. Congrats to everyone for making it a success. Sorry I couldn’t have been there. See you all at FOSDEM, I hope. :smile:

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