Come join our monthly calls – more info on the monthly call event page
- OSD Summit Venue?
- Can @Incabell (or someone from Wikimedia) update on using Wikimedia on the weekend
- Can @elioqoshi update on using Mozilla on Monday-Tuesday?
- OSD Summit Organization
- What has to be done?
- Who will help?
- Updates on FSFE and OSI
- @jan to update on this
- Update on partnership with OpenUsability
- Can @jdittrich give an update on this?
- The Discourse
- Increasing Discourse use
- What to do in the open? And what not?
- S.W.A.G.
- Should we print stickers with the square logo and text?
- @jan update on CSSConf Berlin
(If I’ve missed something, or got something wrong: feel free to correct it!)
Notes from 3 May 2017 meeting
In attendance today: @janc @jdittrich @simonv3 @ei8fdb @grahamperrin @evalica @belenbarrospena @ryangorley @eppfel
In attendance yesterday: @belenbarrospena @ei8fdb @eppfel @RichardLitt
OSD Summit Venue?
- We have an almost confirmation that we can use Wikimedia location for the weekend days, and Mozilla for Monday-Tuesday days of the summit. We are still waiting for full confirmation.
OSD Summit Organisation
- we need a landing page for the summit - e.g. and link it from events. @simonv3 is happy to take that on
- @Incabell is following up on possibilities of funding (travel etc) for the summit
- We need to be aware of the limits of space. This will impact on if we can sell tickets, etc.
Using Discourse
- We all agreed we need to start using it more. Discuss the methods we use in our projects, useful resources, etc.
- @jdittrich mentioned he’s spread it into the Wikimedia, Mozilla communities. It was suggested we all advertise it more to open source communities via different channels. In terms of who we want to “attract” its about connecting different groups of people.
- The intent is to keep it open, developers, designers, interaction designers, logo designers, industrial designers, to the level of “users of open source design software - GIMP, Inkscape”.
Updates on FSFE and OSI
- @jan updated the FSFE application is going well. It’s expected we will be accepted. We don’t have a date yet. The application for OSI has not been submitted yet.
- We also identified we need to do work on sources of funding. If people have suggestions, open an issue.
Update on partnership with OpenUsability
- If we have a clear proposal “we” think that they’ll be happy and maybe engage a bit more.
- We’re not sure if its a blocker for them that if we have a different focus. This might be a difficulty for them. @jan / @jdittrich are going to discuss with them in person. Maybe we can then have some discussion on Discourse with them.
OSD at CSSConf Berlin
- @jan was invited to present
- We need to make the jump from FOSS focused conferences to more “mainstream” design conferences. Good luck Jan
Should we print stickers with the square logo and text?
- We agreed to print our “square logo” stickers and maybe at, if necessary, at later stage print different stickers if we change logos
Other news
@simonv3 will be in Europe.
- @jan mentioned the Open Tech Summit in Berlin. The call for submissions is still open (until the 10th May) -
(Moved over from the issue comment at and backdated)