Notes from 02/09/2020 OSD meeting at 18.00 GMT // 19.00 CEST
- We had an interesting random conversation about code of conducts
Merging Repos
Do we remember correctly that as many repos as we can need to be merged into this one:
Git submodule in PR from Saptak, but this got merged in another repo.
AP: Saptak, create an issue to describe some of the merging work to be done.
AP: Eriol, to look for a discourse thread that describes the merging repo’s or create one.
AP: Eriol to create a articles/posts readme file to help people when adding in articles.
Homepage task
Perrie - some improvements can be made in the manifesto layout.
We should make mobile-friendly screens too.
Need help for the dev on the Homepage - AP: Perrie can ask dev’s she knows for help
AP: Eriol to add Perrie to their copy of the figma file and open edit access. DONE
AP: Perrie will dd on to the OSD readme that designers can contribute to OSD as there first design contribution with links to issues that are ready to work on.
Sustain Design & UX taiga board link & discourse sustain oss:
Online not announced details about platform yet. Just date announced. Wait and see about details.
Start planning the OSD track. What do we need? Let’s put together the planning, forms, schedule, blog post etc.
How will booth/tables be done? if at all?
AP Eriol: To raise a discourse thread & message around the core team for who wants to be invovled.
Not worried about getting enough talks there are lots of good people now submitting lots of talks :D.
Eriol & Perrie happy to start planning/communicating etc.
OSD summit
3 vote for yes this is interesting and we could join together but more info needed.
Question: Do we have a separate full day of a summit or do we do a ‘track’ at open source diversity
Question: Will Open Source Diversity Summit 2021 be online or in-person?
Having a physical event is more effective for difficult/invovled conversations as remote is tricky. But will it be safe
-OS Diversity thread located here on their discourse:
OSCA (Open Source Community Africa)
After a very busy 2020, Perrie is increasing time spent on Open Source Design work and the OSCA community, are there ways to work closer together/partner?
AP: Perries to share the OSCA sustain event doc where we asked the OSCA community what they want from design + OSS.
Can send a message to the Nigeria team re. ownership of that team and others that want to be involved in a more involved partnership with OSD
Note, Perrie’s discourse post: Open Source Design X Open Source Community Africa
I’m thinking about doing another OSD community meeting next week at a USA friendly timezone