Monthly Community Call
April 3rd 2024
Eriol did the Open Source Design core team intro to core team!
There were 9 people in today’s call! We did intros of people and what the community call is! (Not noted for privacy reasons)
- info/intro - Wants to post a request for support on website re. Job
- Verso web browser - presenting at the web conf (was called the www conf 30 years strong conf) filed 12 grants for this project - long term projects, comms and educational aspects, branding, logos, corp identities etc.
- Non profit to give back to communities
- this project: GitHub - european-browser/verso: A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
not this project: - Suggestion: NGI grants from NL Net
- Discussion: Is the OSD community open to support?
- Open Source Design mostly do community organisation
- Support is welcome! Open Collective + just post something on the forum and get opinions
- Rethinking how we interact with a browser form the ground up?
Portugal Open Source Design community
- Events! World Internet Day (17 May)
- Free Software Fest (11-12 Oct), Aveiro Uni, a gathering of Portuguese communities
- in contact Elizabet Oliveira
Starting a forum topic to collect around the browser topic long term
Some comments around the browser engine vs ‘what on top’ of that engine on a user level.
Core contributors to servo so a lot of engine work has been done - work now on privacy compliance and security user features
What support does Open Source Design as a community want/need?
Conversation in the Jitsi chat re. re:Aza, yeah, I remember stuff from the 2010s, some actually integrated in Firefox for a while
Conversation/comments about history of browser
Comments about browsing the web vs the browser itself and other tools like Zotero - A browser is a commodity - need plugins!
Browser plugins conversation
Arc browser has been tried out, uses different patterns than ‘typical’ browsers
- As a designer I like to talk things through, how to approach discussion in a text dominant world of OSS?
- 1000 cuts, keep your sense of humor
- Create issue before proposing changes, show before and after and look at things objectively.
- Bringing more designers in to be
Eriol has been cleaning up the jobs board and noticed a number of older job posts and trying to get energy into them via bumping them up the forum list
More Conversations in the forum
Call for participation for Penpot Fest is out
Maybe interesting for some folks here!
17th May - world internet day - UNESCO and UN - small presentation being done about the uses of the internet
October free internet festival
Jan D mentioned tool for UI sketching:
Verso browser
Eileen’s talk “Designing for Security”: "Designing for Security" by Eileen Wagner @ Think About! 2019 on Vimeo
Onboarding designers: