Meeting is happening
- FOSS internship: No news from Jan
- @saponasan @Gionni interested in stories about design in open source; want to write a guide to help people to work in Open Soruce (see …how to improve the collaboration)
@MarsBarLee is interested in the user experience in scientific FOSS; a lot of academic software is a “byproduct” of academic work.
- Juhan: UX = a commodity. So what part of Design is particularly strategic, that one can “Sell” to open source projects…
- Can get to a good baseline- but how to get to Design. Capital D Design, get developer team invested and pay for design.
- How do we sell to the right people? and impact in investment? vs academic vs commercial software
- “You might have to approach the problem of ‘generating interest and gaining buy in for design’ at different strategic levels”
- Design can make things pretty < design can erase friction for the user in the existing experience < design can provide directional data on how the experience could be enhanced or augmented to become more valuable < design can influence the vision and nature of product as part of a larger industry or ecosystem of tools
- Scientific OSS are one ‘community of practice’ that starts, put credence to academic publishing, validation of design in scientific OSS
- Matthew Pereira: What is the distance between user-developer vs general/consuming users? And how could design help to close that gap?
- Matthew: In other industries there are concepts of high-code and low-code users and no-code experiences - is the terminal + code experience in academic tools adequately suited to the general/consuming users or could a different approach be beneficial?
- Matthew: What is the power user experience vs paved path to success, what guard rails would be beneficial to put in place?
- What are motivations and behaviors of NumPy users, what are their obstacles, and how can design can facilitate an experiment to move things forward.
- Experiment- alternative user experience, alternative