Mini intros round!
Briefly, into the core group: Open Source Design core team
Finished and updates on AP’s from the last meeting:
- Merging lots of Jobs lately! Pull requests · opensourcedesign/jobs · GitHub
- New Podcasts
Not finished AP’s from the last meeting:
- AP: Anyone Two wrap-up pieces of writing has been requested one that is about the processes and a second that is around open source design jobs including some case studies of jobs that have or haven’t been filled. Please write directly in the Rise Up pad if you have ideas and don’t be shy! the doc is open and welcome to ideas. Rise up etherpad here
AP: Anyone: mini-guide on what design processes are needed within an org at high-strategy level and then individual products/services level → if anyone wants to start this guide writing go for it!
- AP: Anyone: Continuing the Jobs page redesign effort Improving the Jobs page: Improvements to the way the jobs page works · Issue #323 · opensourcedesign/ · GitHub
Open Topics:
- Merge requests not being valuable in exchange for schwag
- Does hacktoberfest work for open source design? talk topic!
- Not just a hacktoberfest problem a general design problem.
- Linux Foundation is struggling with the same concept, just not in 1 month but overall
- How can design work outside of hacktoberfest too
- How big is the project? how aligned is the “new” design? (ie context of contribution also matters)
- We talked about how Eriol had onboarded designers in OFN
- Using a project board: Welcome New Designers! · GitHub
- And by doing bookable onboarding calls for potential contributors and tasking them with learning before they work on an active issue.
- Here is a video Eriol did about this process: Onboarding designers into OSS mini talk - YouTube
- Opening up research and insights into design thinking can help designers contribute more legitimate and informed design work rather than design work not informed by the realities of. the project. Eriol shared an example of when this happened in OFN.
FOSDEM Dev room
- Fosdem 2022 - #3 by Erioldoesdesign
- AP: Eriol will start to fill in the cfp dev room form
FOSS Backstage
- Foss backstage 22 - submit your talk!
- FOSS backstage is having a UX Clinic and also accepting talk submission! please submit
Open Source Design fellowship/internship
- Short meeting today so this is pushed back
- AP: Eriol still has some comms and wrangling to do on this topic