I’d like to keep GH OSD members in the loop about developments here as much as possible until GH members have signed up. For example, that I have been made an administrator, how we are progressing with invites etc. I suggest we use the “preparations for use of Discourse for discourse.opensourcedesign.net” issue. As far as I can see, things have been quite opaque for them.
… keep GH OSD members in the loop about developments here …
– go for it. Thanks.
My quiet period in that GitHub issue revolved around responses to private e-mails. From https://github.com/opensourcedesign/organization/issues/79#issuecomment-291988829 (Wednesday 2017-04-05):
joint administration (I wrote to someone a few days ago)
– and here we are; soon to have a third administrator and so on :-)
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Since @bnvk made the forum open, as also discussed in https://github.com/opensourcedesign/organization/issues/79, there is no need to be unnecessarily secretive about this anymore.
Closing and un-pinning this thread hence.