With permission from @lama_89, it is my pleasure to announce this job is complete. @veronika and myself are very happy about the result. It is already applied to the Enough website, GitLab instance, forum, chatroom and we are in the process of integrating it in the Enough NextCloud app.
Not only does this set a fine example of quality pro-bono work, it also demonstrated the power of cooperation when @jan contributed a nice touch to @lama_89 draft. Credit also goes to @elioqoshi who suggested a few tweaks. The drafts that do not show in the end result are an essential part of the process and often undervalued: thanks @elioqoshi for your enthusiastic participation.
This is the beginning of an adventure and the next step will be to polish the theme for the Enough NextCloud app. I will be attending the NextCloud Conference later this month and hope to learn tips and tricks on that occasion. And it will also be an opportunity to thank @jan in person
A huge thanks to Lama Younes and to the community at large