CryptPad Forms

Heads up that we are currently working on a Form application for CryptPad. We aim to provide an alternative to Google Forms that’s end-to-end encrypted and open source like the rest of our apps. The beta is live:

Forms on


I’m currently doing user research ahead of the next round of design/dev work on the app. If anyone has feedback on design research use-cases (or any other use cases) please reach out!

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I briefly did some work on the survey/form type stuff at Ushahidi for their data collection platform so happy to chat through what we found but it’s largely undocumented :frowning:

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Recently, I created a survey for the Wikidata Community. Details below:

  • Information paragraph with purpose, link to GDPR etc.
  • Age: List of age brackets, only one selectable (radio button)
  • Gender: List of Female, Male, Non-Binary, prefer not to disclose, perfer to self-define(Text Field). Multiple selects possible (checkboxes)
  • Country of residence: A free form field (Data was normalized manually)
  • Education: Years in formal education was number-input field
  • I am currently (job/occupation/duties): A list of possible things people do: In education, retired, employed, freelancer, primary caretaker… Multiple selects possible (Chackmarks)
  • Field of work: Text input.
  • I have been active on Wikidata for…[years], numerical input
  • On Wikidata, I made this many edits: Selection from several brackets (0-100, 100-1000, 1000-10000…). Single select radio button)
  • “In which of the following data related activities are you typically involved?”, list of activities, multiple selectable (checkboxes) + text field for activities that were not included in the form.
  • Anything else you would like us to know?: Text field, multiple lines.
  • Text with thanks and link to our testing pool for people interested in similar research.

The results are on Wikimedia Commons, on slides 4-8 you see how the survey looked when implemented (screenshots).


The creation UI might be a good candidate for a heuristic evaluation, too.

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Hy! my name is rash, I am interested in doing the user research


Hi @Abdur-rasheedidris19 , thank you for your response. I DM’d you!