The Lounge: Or Secret Communications

So I totally agree with @simonv3 and @jan. All the work we did in OSD we did it publicly, from the selection of topics for FOSDEM to the problems we have with the logo. With this attitude we had multiple people jump in and participate over the time. If we were to discuss only with the initial members I guess this community would have died off.

I guess @grahamperrin and @studiospring are also examples of how we do things, otherwise you guys would not had any chance in creating, organizing and advancing to “admin” levels on this discourse.

We discussed about private discussion in several GitHub issues (you can look for them if you want) and the conclusion was that we will try to make as much as possible public. Of course we can do things in private and platforms like Discourse offer these functionalities, but that doesn’t mean we should use them.

So what I expect:

  • Limit the creation of topics in the (private) “Lounge” area.
  • (Rename “Lounge” to “Private”) or (Remove it [if the platform allows it, otherwise leave it be - we will not use it])
  • (Rename “Public lounge” to “Lounge”) or (Remove it and keep just “Uncategorized”)
    • Why I want the “Public lounge” to disappear it’s because the name implies some things are private