Survey: help us focus our efforts

Here at Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) we are renewing our interest in opening our design process and bringing design to open source projects. I suspect everyone on this board has some opinions about how we should proceed. :wink:

You can read about our motives on our blog or just jump straight to the survey.

Thanks in advance, and I promise to share our findings!


Thanks! Potentially interesting in this context is the academic research on the question of FOSS/UX collaboration in the last 20 years – see this report section for a summary.


Thank you, @jdittrich, for sharing this. Indeed, the first part matches my own experiences. Well, that is not a satisfying situation, but speaking about it openly is a good start to make things better.
The paper cites many other research papers, which seem interesting to me. However, I could not find the bibliography. Could someone please direct me there (@Erioldoesdesign you perhaps?).
Have you all a good day!

This is a great resource I hadn’t seen before, thanks :pray:

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Ah good catch - we didn’t create a reading list from this report as it wasn’t required by the funder - you can notice the citations as you read through by noticing the (name and year) format so find the papers referenced.

Alternatively here’s my own phd reading database :))))

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Currently don’t have enough time to create and supplement a list of full citations, but if there are any questions, feel free to poke me, I should be able to find it quickly (and many are also on @Erioldoesdesign reading list)


I was unable to complete the form because this question assumes we have ever received a non-code design contribution, and thus would be able to answer:

Well, nice point :slight_smile: The question is in the present tense - so what are your opinions and attitudes about non-code design contributions today?