Open Source Design Manifesto

Thanks for the remix!

Indeed, I do hope this, too, but I feel the word is there, but is often very vague in it’s meaning and not acted upon or taken as “We need to do it by committee”.

We could merge a bit of 1,2,3 and 8 into something like:

“n. It is the task of the tool maker to make a tool usable and useful by working with (potential) users and learning about their motivations, activities and problems.” (This would give a provisional and criticizable definition of “participatory”)

n. We do not blame users for not using our tools or using them the wrong way. Instead we try to learn why they do what they do.

Totally agree to both; I am unsure why they are in one principle.
Suggestion: Make Purpose and not accepting elitism separate points.

I like the point much since it is a very common argument in practice.

Suggestion: Replace “onus” with a

more common word: “duty”, “task”

Anonymity seems to be a tricky thing (I at least remember that I spend some time with a lawyer on talking about it). There seems to be “guaranteed anonymity” that can not be traced back to a natural person and “practical anonymity” that can only be traced back with a large amount of work.

And, what I found to be a delightful idea, people may want to choose their “pseudonymity”, which is as what they might want to be represented instead of User1 (Not sure if that is compatible with “Anonymity”).

I’d be fine to write “essential” instead of “acceptable” (the previous sentence says basically this, by stating:

(Emphasis mine)