Monthly Open Source Design call

Mini intros round!

Briefly, into the core group: Open Source Design core team

Finished and updates on AP’s from the last meeting:

Not finished AP’s from the last meeting:

  • AP: Anyone Two wrap-up pieces of writing has been requested one that is about the processes and a second that is around open source design jobs including some case studies of jobs that have or haven’t been filled. Please write directly in the Rise Up pad if you have ideas and don’t be shy! the doc is open and welcome to ideas. Rise up etherpad here

  • AP: Anyone: mini-guide on what design processes are needed within an org at high-strategy level and then individual products/services level → if anyone wants to start this guide writing go for it! :smiley:

Open Topic: Design cycle of a project via Abhishek

  • A cycle for design?
    • When a PR for a small feature is merged it can be ‘done’ but not done-done as there can always be improvements on the feature.
    • How are further feature requests gathered and included?
  • Does an OSS product ever have a design ‘finished?’
  • What does the continuous design process?
  • What does the design person do after things are finished and usable?
  • The inherent answer to “does a company need Design” is usually YES (just like “do you need excellent system engineering”, the answer is often the same = YES). The ‘what kind of Design’ is the finer detail… would be good to draft a mini-guide (I’m sure it’s been done before). I know that the Linux Foundation could use such a decision tool, and the LF Public Health arm specifically needs it.
  • A lot of good design work I have seen folks do almost always starts and involves a lot of user research
  • Marie Nordin re. great open-source design in Red Hat.
  • Can we use a real project as an example?
  • Products evolve over years design tools was used as an example? What level are you coming in at?
  • it’s more like the feature is done for this iteration
  • MedicMobile is a good example of continual funding model of OS

Open Topic: UX maturity in OSS

  • We took some time to read this Maturity scale that Eriol created
  • “Design has an ‘output’” I think this point applies to development as well sometimes, depending on the team and manager.
  • User Lead = is that The PInnacle → the philosophical bend, yes but as a selling point of Design. it’s the value of the process at the exec level. Where of course, the human that’s using a service, is the atomic unit.
  • What maturity is it when Design is Written into the Ethos/Company Rules of Engagement?
  • Feedback: After point 5 the progress is too steep and needs work so point 6-8.
  • I’m also seeing your curve of engagement.
  • Absent vs misunderstood is pretty interesting → described as when an OSS org has a misconception of design as a certain ‘thing’ e.g. you are a designer and you make UI only. Stage 0 describes an OSS that has no or minimal pre-concieved notions of what a designer or design does.
  • Feedback: Nimisha mentioned a part of the OSS design process where some maturity stages are impossible or next to impossible so how do we surface this as a consideration within the maturity resource.

Poll results: Open Source Design fellowship/internship

  • We’ll talk about this next time! :slight_smile:

Cool project we mentioned

  • MedicMobile is a good example of continual funding model of OS