Monthly Open Source Design call

March 03 2021

Mini intros round! for new people :slight_smile:

Jobs page update

Some ideas for the jobs page improvements:

    1. Many projects give emails or issue links/repos but plenty of designers still reply to forum threads wanting to contribute. We need a clear and single way for designers to start the job process and it needs to be super clear for the job poster that they need to engage in X way with designers.
    1. We could encourage a discourse forum post immediately after the job post PR is accepted to get better responses.
    1. Deadlines are really useful for our own admin purposes. Some job posts have them included but I think it’d be good to ask job posters for an idea of deadline.
    1. We could also be: Keep for X weeks or so. Does not need to be called deadline
    1. Or “Receiving submissions/applications until”
    1. Categories for the jobs posting form and forum
    1. Support to write your design needs via a call @scottjenson suggested this.
    1. ‘I’m a designer that can do X,Y and Z. Contact me to ask for help’. Create a profile from scratch? do we help designers make a github profile.
  • Could we pay someone to do some of what we want to happen across and the jobs page?

AP: Eriol to start a new thread on forum to gather jobs page ideas and work. DONE


  • How do we deal with deadlines that have past?
  • Is the job board successful?
  • Shall we do an article for the successful jobs postings from over the years?
  • How can we push forward @Kai 's showcase design for homepage?
  • AP: Eriol can start to collect the successful projects and doing writing.
  • Closed successfully or closed unsuccessfully?
  • Do we want to assign metrics/analytics?
  • Do we want to think about matomo? Hosting and privacy investigation needed.
  • Sorting the job forum posts via views most?
  • Why are visuals/logos etc ‘easier’ to fill? or filled more?
  • Collect opinions of designers that have contributed and ones that haven’t.



  • Open Action: Someone can do a round-up article/page of FOSDEM 2021
  • AP Eriol: Check videos are all online and approved
  • We did it! yay! we had 247 in the dev room at one point!

FOSS Backstage - UX Clinic

  • Went well! not as busy but still interesting

Mozfest 2021 - UX clinic


-All the casinos backed out lol.