Meeting Agenda Template

This thread is for creating and improving a meeting agenda template for our monthly meetings.
See some more details see also the Monthly Open Source Design Call thread.

For quick access here is the latest template. As it evolves, the latest state of the art will be here, on top of this thread.
All times are estimates. We’re aiming for 60 minutes plus a little chit-chat.

  1. New topics for today’s agenda (5 min.)

  2. Come in, say hello: Who is here, some background information about ourselves (country/culture, profession, open source involvement - in what role?), wishes for this meeting and for our community (15 min)

  3. How we are doing: (30 min.)

  • Things we are working on.
  • Positive things: What are some of the great things that have happened recently?
  • The not-so-great stuff: What problems are we struggling with? What help do we need? What ideas do you have for solutions? How can we work together to make this happen?
  1. About this meeting: (10 min.)
  • What went well for this meeting?
  • What could we improve for the next meeting? What goes into the minutes and what doesn’t?
  1. Chit-chat - open end

I tried to attend but no one was in the meeting. I opened at 19:00 CET do I have that right?

Hi @scottjenson, I am sad that this happened. You find my answer in the Monthly Open Source Design Call topic. Best, Sven