First impressions, part two

Continued from First impressions (preview)

First impressions: mobile

Monday 24th April: – forty-nine screenshots.

Some of those not logged in (NLI) and logged in views led to:

– reported a couple of days after the discovery. If you’d like to know when the fix become available, please watch Categorisation, tagging, default appearance - #26 by grahamperrin


… more than one welcome message …

Please ignore that observation. After the topic was deleted by Discourse Meta, I realised that one of the two messages (neither was opened by me) was genuinely a personalised Welcome! from me.


From last week’s collection, the more significant impressions were these:


Cross reference yesterday’s post 29 under Categorisation, tagging, default appearance:

Browsing from one topic to the next

@evalica I span off to a 2013 topic in Discourse Meta:

– join me there, if you like.

First impression of a Twitter view of the ‘About’ text

The first visible line:

  • is superflous
  • promotes the forum in a way that is, I think, unnecessarily constrained

– someone who is neither a designer nor a developer might turn away.

ASAP please: can you reduce that text? Be ruthless. Skip the word ‘community’ (that’s implicit), and so on. Maybe change it from:

We are a community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open source software.

– to something like:

promoting more open design processes • improving the user experience and interface design of open source software

– Unicode U+2022 for the bullet.

I’d like to tell how it will appear in future tweets.

If you need help finding it, for edition: it’s the text that appears at /about and (yes) you might cringe at the drop from uppercase to lower for the p in promoting, but I suspect that people will more often see the text in the context of e.g. tweets.

(I’ll refrain. Prefer Tweets to look better.)


In the designUX room at Matrix, I invited to be ruthless towards my suggested change.

Her response, quoted with permission:

grahamperrin: I see your point – to design truly effective software for end users, any community needs users/testers/support folks as much as designers and developers. … here are my suggestions:

We are a community promoting more open design processes. • We are dedicated to improving the user experience and interaction design of open source software.

<Changes in bold> “Interface design” is a somewhat dated term. Alan Cooper pioneered “interaction design” in the late 90s, and over time it’s become the standard. I do think it’s important emphasize the community part!!!

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I think that’s a pretty good pull quote.

I think, no need for the full stop (.) where the bullet punctuates.

How about:

A community promoting more open design processes • Dedicated to improving the user experience and interaction design of open source software