Creating the Portugal Chapter


I’m calling on behalf the Open Source Business Alliance for Portugal, or ESOP - Associação das Empresas de Software Open Source Portuguesas, for short

We’d like to foster the creation of the Portuguese Chapter and recruiting volunteers for it.

Could you help me to create a recruiting campaign for it?

It won’t be ready for WordCamp Portugal (started today) but we are still on time to show it in future events:

I’m also adding the support of other organizations to spread the word:

Thank You.


Hi Gerardo,

Just to understand: Is this about a chapter of the ESOP in Portugal or about an Open Source Design chapter in Portugal?

Could you help me to create a recruiting campaign for it?

Just in case you want designer support for it, you could also post a job on the job category, which comes with a template that helps to define what you need so others can easily support.

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This is about creating an Open Source Design chapter in Portugal.

It just happens that we ESOP, the Open Source Business Alliance for Portugal, are willing to foster, promote and support this branch, so it can be run independent and autonomously as soon as possible.

This request in this forum is twofold:

  1. alert all members of this forum, either Portuguese or residing in Portugal, to assemble the chapter
  2. request advice and any help on the things we must prepare in order to set up the chapter, from other chapter’s experiences

BTW, we are also involved in other community-related efforts on managing Open Source initiatives (CHAOSS, SustainOSS, GGI, etc.), and are we collecting best practice cases too.

Best regards,


Open Source Festival, Aveiro Portugal, September 15-17

We are looking for a portuguese speaking speaker to present Open Source Design and recruit new members.

Best Regards,

Call for speakers in the Portuguese language, for in person (Portugal) or remote presentations on OSD.

Planning 2024 events in Portugal.

Chamada para oradores, em português, para apresentações presenciais (em Portugal) ou remotas sobre OSD.

Em preparação do calendário de eventos de 2024 em Portugal.

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