Creating our own mega resource dump on Github

We need our own designers resource dump!

To help out other fellow designers, we could create our own central repository for design tools and resources.

This could have an initial list of categorized links to various sources which could be maintained and added on to by other open designer contributors. They could also link some of their own illustrations or works they have made open source and free to all.

Apart from creating a hub for creative resources, this would also increase reasons to contribute to our Github Org and thus increase traffic.

Here’s an example repo, this is something which we should’ve done long ago.
(I know about the current repos for open contribution to let people add their work)

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We have something of a similar nature on the Resources tab of our main page. Just that things there are OS.

Personally I like smaller lists of upto 7-8 items, such that I can explore each of them individually in an hour or less.

While the resources section does help out, it’s not maintained and is old.
Creating a resource “dump” would give opportunities to contribute for new comers while also helping find fresh inspo for designers.

I like your idea of mini lists for quick access, we could brainstorm more on it if this goes forward.

That sounds like a great idea.
You are welcome to submit a PR if you would be interested in updating that page.
Any ideas you may have are of course welcome.

Thanks, I will but I was wondering if we could maybe move it to a stand-alone repo for higher visibility and pin it on the top of our GH Org.

This would increase traffic of designers visiting our org and also make the said visitors come back for more resources. We don’t provide tools but we could certainly connect the people with the right ones.

We could bring that up for discussion with the core group if there’s significant traction.

As of now I feel its better hosted on our own page since I find GH is developer focused.
Would be better to have it open for all from our collective.

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I opened a PR updating some of the resources while keeping the lists brief. Added a new section for color palette choices too.
If you want to review it, here.

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That’s awesome!
I’ll have a look at it soon.

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Definitely agree a lot of the Open Source Design website is old and needs a refresh. Super glad you submitted a PR to update this! @Kai I totally agree and signal boost @amit.lzkpa’s comment that Github repos are very ‘devvy’ and while plenty of designers have skills/experience in doing github ‘stuff’ a great deal of designers don’t which is why the website as a hub is super important :smiley:

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@Erioldoesdesign Totally agree on the “devvy” side of Github, I’ve been using it for 2 years now so it feels comfortable but yeah, to the uninitiated, it’s daunting.

I had another idea of creating a “Monthly showcase” of the best OS designs on our landing page. Maybe products from all the OS design jobs that are posted, they could use a gallery or something of the sort.

This would promote more people to get involved and have the opportunity of being featured as appreciation and a chance to get noticed.

Was gonna make a thread about it but I’d like your thoughts first.

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That’s a fantastic idea.
Monthly also sounds about the right frequency for it.
However I’m not sure stuff from job board would qualify everytime (licenses, timelines etc.).
And personally I am more likely to trust/follow an informed opinion than crowd-sourced commentary/projects.

Are you thinking about it as periodical section or more like publicising a call for being featured?

I’m glad you liked the idea @amit.lzkpa !

Not all the work produced from the jobs section would qualify for it obviously, since there’s different sorts of work involved including paid ones. We can see which logos sit right with legal licensing and adding credits to the designer and/or project.

It’s a periodical section that would show that our community is alive and thriving. Would give more life to the landing page too in my opinion.

Open to more ideas before starting a thread for it.

For sure.
That would add more life to our main page.

I’m for this idea and would be happy to contribute anyway I can.

I do think there’s a great idea here in allowing for our open source design community to submit designs that they’ve done for OSS , kind of like a showcase/dribbble but for the open source design contributions. It’d definitely help designers understand what’s been done before and OSS project maintainers understand what is ‘doable’ by open source design contributors.
One suggestion I would offer though is hiding or making it ‘hidden’ in some way ‘who’ did the open source design contribution. My reasoning is I don’t know how helpful it is having an individuals name be shown more than others. It’s always a bit ‘competition-y’ in design and in OSS contributions and I would want to find a way to mitigate that ickyness.

Would love to hear more thoughts from the regulars on here about this!

Hey @Erioldoesdesign, you should move your comment to this thread so the discussion is centralized and I can reply too!

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@kai if you are in need of a maintainer. I’m available.