We had a brief discussion about sharing workflows on our monthly call and it resonated well with a lot of us.
I wanted to post it here to check if more of us would be interested in something like this. Here’s a gist of this nascent idea:
Online casual workshops about different topics which might interest designers, developers or just about anyone who’s interested in it.
Sessions would NOT be recorded to have a relaxed atmosphere.
The focus would be on learning new tools or workflows. It would be a general topic with an idea of what everyone would have learnt to make/improved upon by the end.
eg: How to self-host a 3D model on my webpage, How I post-process my videos before uploading, How I run lighthouse tests for my designs, etc.
The tentative date as of now would be first week of July and based on how it goes we can decide what to do later.
As of now I think it would be a zoom session. But open to any other means.
If you are interested please add your discourse handle to the following spreadsheet along with topics (max 3) that you might be interested in.
If you think you would like to share something please add it to the second sheet in the same spreadsheet. You don’t have to be a pro, but if you can talk for 15 mins about it I think it is worth showing.
Let us think of the topics in terms of how we can build skills in those to create better designed products/experiences. eg How can I improve my skills in ____ that will help me build better [whatever your preferences are]
Examples of some topics that can fill the blank above:
Video Editing
Basic Webhosting
VR User Interfaces
There’s some interesting discussion along the same lines on this thread.
Would love to hear more thoughts!
Setting up the first one for 15th July 4.00 AM UTC!
I will speak about my workflows when trying to get 3D models displayed online (and basic UI considerations when doing so).
My workflow typically involves Rhino + threejs, but am keen to get into Blender (would love to hear if anyone’s familiar with that).
That’s a topic I am most familiar with and can speak about it.
But feel free to add more stuff to the spreadsheet and we could be talking about other stuff too.
Next session will be on September 29th 4:00 AM UTC to discuss about first explorations into Open Source Design world.
This time we’ll try using Jitsi for the call. Will post the URL here 10 minutes before the call.