Agenda for Summit

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Rough Agenda Ideas

Meta: Open source design - how we envision it, what we want for it

Work on the manifesto!

Community building

  • how can we onboard designers in open source methods?

Help members build local communities

  • meetup template
  • resources to help onboard people in OSD

How do we organise the structure of OSD

  • memberships, chapters etc?
  • alliance of projects? how do we do it? who should be here?
  • what’s the value of open source?

Project outreach

  • outreach to projects who need better design
  • discussion with projects to ensure good experiences for designers
  • education about what design is

OSD Website

  • how should the information be organised on the website
  • what kind of landing pages do we need?

Tools/Platforms we use

  • how do we use Open Collective/Discourse/Twitter/IRC/Github/Telegram etc?


  • what’s happening? what events are people going to?
  • where should OSD have a presence?

Open Source the summit!

  • how is it organised?
  • templates that we can provide
  • tools and resources
  • start a discourse topic

OSD budget

  • what do we use it for
  • what could we use it for
  • how could we get more funding?


  • ways of hacking tech ads
  • eg. Peng Collective, Yes Men


How we do design systems at Red Hat

  • workshop on Patternfly, usability feedback etc
  • how can we be more open source in Red Hat design?

Making version control easier

  • eg github desktop
  • beaker browser

Version Control for design: diffing SVG

  • what has been tried?
  • what is needed?
  • what is the simplest useful form of SVG diffing?
  • normalisation of SVG before diffing
  • geometric hashing of SVG

Tools that we use for design

  • jan’s twitter poll
  • workflows
  • recommendations

Cut, Copy & Paste workshop on how to onboard designers in open source

  • what’s important to convey
  • what are the tools you use? why?

Bringing non-open source designers into OSD

  • introduction to open source culture

Sharing Round

  • what are the challenges and needs that we have?
  • sharing experiences & difficulties particular to open source projects

Examples from usability testing at GNOME, Briar, etc

  • tools & techniques used
  • difficulties
  • how to advocate and prepare for implementation of the research findings


  • design for decentralized projects - challenges and opportunities
  • review of existing decentralized projects?
  • introduction to Beaker browser as an example

@elioqoshi you have photos of the agendas of both days after we were done, right? Could you post them here for reference? :slight_smile:

Especially the parallel session of “Design tools and processes” and “Manifesto” was good: One very general, where people new to the community can also participate. And one very deep, meta-level. :+1: We should keep that in mind for future summits as we are more people than is feasible for having a single track. :slight_smile:

@jan I don’t have a photo from the Saturday schedule on the whiteboard. Maybe someone else has?

Here is Sunday:

Also here is the cluster of the OSD ecosystem we did on Sunday morning Cluster

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