What's up with Job Postings?

Oh it definitely is a high priority @scottjenson but as @GBKS says, all of Open Source Design are volunteers with various day jobs, families, other OSS projects/community work, etc. and only a few of the most active people have front-end coding skills and have deployed the local environment to push FE code to improve the jobs section.

We also try to practice what we ‘preach’ and have an open and collaborative design process. We did this with design recommendations for the homepage recently which is in this figma file it took a while and a very long (but inclusive!) forum post about featured projects and who would maintain and update that, manifesto, goals, etc. etc.

Turns out open, accessible, inclusive and sociocratic process take a while, which isn’t a bad thing, just means that time happens.

I personally would love to push an effort on the jobs posting pages and I’m starting by cataloging all the still ‘open’ posts and contacting the original posters but we certainly could do with these roles and support:

  • Rallying FE devs to help code
  • Starting a shared design file (Figma or Penpot.app) to collab design the jobs page
  • Cleaning up old github issues around jobs page and checking they have what we need Jobs issues here

Just as an FYI my Figma team for Open Source Design is tied to my university email so you might need to put in Newcastle University UK’s URL in to gain access :slight_smile: