Hi, I would like find tools that help developers and users to understand when their website are:
(I started from the easier)
- out of markup standard
- out of accessibility standard
- out of RWD (responsive web design) basic ideas
- running obsoleted css/html that can replaced with flex or css3 grid
Can you help me to do a GREAT list of tools or concepts? I can explain a bit better…
- ok: w3c test on html5 and css3 like the evergreen https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
- hum… a good tool is https://wave.webaim.org/ (not sure is FOSS, probably not, …) do you use others?
- hem…probably something that can understand if there are some fixed margins or div that are bigger of the frame… or… something that in automatic can find small error like this: https://github.com/digitigrafo/varie/blob/main/osd-outofscreen.png
when you have the website that move in horizontal but for mistake… - probably here is easy, the are some indicators, like the use of float or td, tr in the markup. But I didn’t find tools online to test this.
Extra: evaluation tools about CSR (content security policy) and JS.
Thanks in advance.