OSD presence in Social Media


OSD is (or maybe was) present at Twitter/X. Now the X star is falling, and its users are leaving in droves and running to alternatives, such as Mastodon, Threads, LinkedIn or Bluesky. Therefore, are there any plans to add or move OSD’s social media presence to one of them?

Best, Sven

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there is @opensourcedesign@mastodon.social


I have Bluesky invites available if you need one. As far as I know, they keep giving access via invitation.


What’s your BS? I need more people to follow.

Mine is @jcklpe

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Well, to be clear:
I wrote my post here to solely support the work of the OSD. Therefore, I want to contribute my own available Bluesky invite code to the OSD. From this thread, I suppose that OSD uses Mastodon only and has no plans to use Bluesky. But if there is interest, we might discuss this in the next meeting on Feb. 7 and meanwhile I keep my invite code on hold.
My post’s goal is not to increase the reach of Bluesky accounts that do not support the OSD work.

FWIW I’m having a great experience on Bluesky so far. Kind of hope it wins. A lot of academic twitter seems to have fled to Bsky even more that I see on Mastadon lately. Just followed yall Paula and Aslan and the OSD Mastadon account!


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