Ok, I’ve sent this.
Session title: What do we mean by “design”?
Presenters: @belenbarrospena, @ei8fdb, @victoria-bondarchuk
Theme: Making better tech
Language: English
Session Format: Workshop
Skill level: Intermediate
Preferred Session Time: 1 hour
Session Description
The Open Source Design group (http://opensourcedesign.net) has been advocating for the adoption of user-centred design practices in free and open source software (FOSS) since … well, only since 2015
Between other activities, we keep a jobs board (http://opensourcedesign.net/jobs/) that aims to match FOSS projects in search for design contributions with designers seeking to get involved in FOSS.
After 2 years, the submissions to that jobs board have given us a window into how the FOSS community understands and perceives design.
We would like to expand our research on design perceptions to other software communities, and IFF gives us a great opportunity to do so. This workshop will probe the understandings and perceptions about user-centred design within the Internet freedom community, so that we can better understand which aspects and activities of design are most valued and applied, and which ones less so.
The workshop will be participatory in nature. It will use examples from the Open Source Design jobs board and from our interactions with the FOSS community to elicit debate and discussion about what design is, how it is practiced within Internet freedom software projects, and what it contributes to them.
The workshop will help Open Source Design to focus their advocacy activities in those areas of design that need it most. And we will of course publish the outcome, because we practice what we preach!
Who is this session for?
Anybody within the Internet freedom community who has practiced design or has worked with designers as part of a software project.
Anybody within the Internet freedom community who has practiced design or has worked with designers as part of a non-software project (e.g. advocacy, policy, research, media).
Anybody who has considered or wanted to engage designers in their project, but hasn’t been able to just yet.
What outcomes would you like your session to have?
For the Open Source Design community, a better understanding of which areas and activities of user-centred design are less understood or practiced, so that we can focus our advocacy activities in those areas of design that need it most.
For the Internet freedom community, some reflection about what we mean by design, and how we can better engage with designers for the benefit of our projects.
I am sure we can change it a bit if the session is accepted