Jobs - UX/UI review of AntennaPod player screen (to fit more features)

Role: 'Interaction design', 'UX study'

Wireframes (or mock-ups) of the player screen and its associated screens/modals. A design review document would be nice to have.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi! I’m Aaiza, a Product Designer. I would love to help and contribute to the project. You can reach out to me via
My portfolio can be found at

If there is anything you’d like to further discuss, I’m available for a chat.

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Hi! I’m Michael, a Product Designer. I would love to help and contribute to the project. You can reach out to me via
My Linkedin profile is

I am available for further discussion

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Thanks both! I’ll be reaching out via email soon (hopefully today).

Hi! I’m Zehra, a UX Researcher and Designer. I would love to contribute to the project. You can reach out to me via mail on -
This is my linkedin profile -, and my most recent UX Project -

Hola! Here my details if you need some extra hands

Hi @zehra & @Aineia
Thanks for your replies! I’ve sent you an email – did you receive it? I heard back from one person that my email was marked as spam, unfortunately.

Hi, yes. I recevied your mail and reserved a slot for the meeting! Thankyou.

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I’m an interface designer specializing in android patterns
Here’s my portfolio.

Hi there, I have been trying to connect since the past few weeks. I don’t think i am receiving mails. I tried messaging you on signal as well. The last mail i received was a meeting invite for 2nd August (which i attended).