Jobs - UI/UX designer to work with us

Role: UI, UX, design


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Your link doesn’t work. Could you reply with one that works so we can learn more about your project?

I was able to scrape: Login | Book Project
from your original URL. If that’s the correct one, it requires setting up an account just to learn about your project. Is there a less heavy way to learn more about your project?

Your link doesn’t work. Could you reply with one that works so we can learn more about your project?

Just to clarify, is this link here not working for you: Explore Typeform | Create your own surveys, quizzes, forms? This works for me.

Alternatively, here’s a Slack invite to our workspace (the link will expire in 24 days, unfortunately): Slack

The link you posted to is our current demo. I can privately message you some credentials that we use for testing if you’re interested.

I’ll see if I can update the original post to make this all clearer. The formatting came out strange.