Jobs - Orchard Core CMS admin UX revamp

Role: web design

Once these are delivered, developer contributors would update a single piece of UI to be our perfect role model (like the basic content item editor), and the menu structure (or rather, the whole navigation story). The rest of the UI will be kept more or less as-is, but with updated common visuals (coming from the theme) and quick wins (e.g. common pieces like buttons, hints, labels, fields, will all be updated just by updating the common classes, or with search and replace).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

If you’re interested, or if you have any questions, let me know!

Hey Zoltán, I’d love to contribute to this. Enterprise UX is my area of expertise and I believe I could help with the Admin Experience. Here’s my Proof of Work - Aashish Manchanda

LMK if we can connect sometime.

Yes, please. Send an e-mail to the address under Jobs - Orchard Core CMS admin UX revamp.

Hi @Piedone is this still open? I’d like to connect and learn more - I could email you at that address.

I think we have enough applicants for now, thank you.

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@Piedone Would you like me to close the job posting?

You can also edit this markdown file and change status ‘searching’ to ‘closed’ and submit a pr to merge and then the job will get removed from the website list :slight_smile:

Ah, I didn’t know it was possible to close it, thank you. Opened Closing Orchard Core CMS admin UX revamp by Piedone · Pull Request #936 · opensourcedesign/jobs · GitHub.