Jobs - New logo needed for Safrano OpenSource OData library

Role: Logo Design

A logo


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Awesome, I will work on it
But first
What is the colour choice and how can I forward the logo to you after i am done with it

What is exactly the brand name I will be creating the logo for.
What I am seeing over here is quite long


color should be red, like most of ruby-based projects (look for example the rails, or the rubygems logos)


My project is called “Safrano”. It’s fully opensource, there is no brand behind it, or maybe i missunderstood what you mean with brand ?

I ve got the details I needed!


This is project still open, would like to work on it in ?
I am new here



yes it’s still open, and i will keep it open a few weeks, lets say 3 weeks from now. We are not in a hurry…
I got already a good proposal, but anybody should be able to propose something else.


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Thanks for letting me know

Just emailed you the logo for Safrano :slight_smile: